Billiard and Pool Rooms
812.01   License required; exception.
812.02   License applications.
812.03   License fees.
812.04   Appellate hearing.
812.05   License form.
812.06   Transfer of licenses.
812.07   Alcoholic beverages; intoxicated persons.
812.08   Minors.
812.09   Hours of operation.
812.10   Loitering and gambling prohibited.
812.11   Suspension or revocation of licenses.
812.06   Transfer of licenses.
812.99   Penalty.
   Power to regulate amusements - see CHTR. 4(14)
   Authority of Council re licenses - see CHTR. 52
   Council approval required for pool room licenses - see CHTR. 53
   Pool and billiard rooms - see M.C.L.A. 750.141, 750.146, 750.147
   Licensing in general - see B.R. & T. Ch. 802