Residential parking standards applicable to the One-Family Residential, Multifamily Residential Zoning Districts:
(a) One-Family Residences. At a minimum least two off-street parking spaces, with at least one space being enclosed shall be provided on the zoning lot for each one-family dwelling unit in each One-Family Residential District. In addition, the following standards and regulations must be met:
(1) The minimum floor area for an enclosed off-street parking structure, including a private garage, is 260 square feet for one car and 400 square feet for two cars.
(2) For lots that do not exceed 6,000 square feet, the maximum floor area for the same off- street parking structure is 500 square feet, provided the structure is built on the same lot as the main building.
(3) An additional floor area of 150 square feet may be provided for each 2,000 square feet of lot area by which the lot area exceeds 6,000 square feet, and such ratio may be prorated.
(4) In any case, however, no such garage on one lot shall exceed a total floor area of 800 square feet.
(5) Not more than one garage, whether attached or detached, shall be permitted on any one lot.
(6) A lot having an attached garage maybe permitted to have a detached garage, provided that the attached garage is properly converted to a habitable part of the main dwelling house and the detached garage meets all of the required yard and area requirements of this Planning and Zoning Code as pertaining to detached garages. Further, the existing driveway shall be removed and relocated as determined necessary by the Zoning Administrator in order to maintain the character and aesthetics of the lot and the neighborhood.
(7) However, no automobile shall be parked or stored on any lot other than in an enclosed structure thereon or on the paved direct access way from the public right-of-way to the enclosed structure, including a circular access way on those zoning lots capable of containing the same.
(8) No parking shall be permitted on landscaped areas, tree lawns, or front yard setbacks, nor shall any front yard area be paved other than for direct access to the garage or residence unless the Building Commissioner determines that an expansion of the driveway area is warranted and the request meets all of the criterion, per the desired expansion option.
A. For the aesthetic value of the residence and neighborhood, any expansion of a driveway within the front yard area (area between the building setback line and the right-of-way-line) the following criterion must be met for all options:
1. The expansion shall not be any closer than one foot from adjacent property line.
2. The expansion shall be limited to ten feet of additional width.
3. Appropriate landscaping shall be provided between the driveway expansion and the adjacent property line to screen the visual appearance of the expansion. The landscaping shall be a minimum of one foot in width.
The graphic display provides a visual expression and is intended to aide in the interpretation of the regulation.
B. For the aesthetic value of the residence and neighborhood, any expansion of driveway from the rear face of the principal structure only to a one-car garage, the following criterion must be met:
The graphic display provides a visual expression and is intended to aide in the interpretation of the regulation.
C. The materials used for the expansion shall be similar to that of the existing driveway. Permitted nonconforming driveways shall be made conforming for an expansion to be permitted. Under no circumstance will the usage of gravel, stone, or similar materials be permitted for the expansion of the driveway.
D. All expansions, additions of driveways and landscaping shall be approved by the Building Department before issuance of permit.
(b) Two-Family Residences. Not more than four open and enclosed off-street parking spaces shall be provided on zoning lots 12,000 square feet or less, and not more than six open and enclosed off-street parking spaces shall be provided on zoning lots greater than 12,000 square feet. However, no automobile shall be parked or stored on any lot other than in an enclosed structure thereon or on the direct access way from the public right-of-way to the enclosed structure.
(e) Multiple-Family Residences. At least two off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit. Of these required spaces, one parking space per unit shall be covered in a completely enclosed structure.
(Ord. 05-12. Passed 7-23-12; Ord 14-23. Passed 12-11-23.)
(a) No person shall use any premises, other than an enclosed garage, in a Residential District for the purpose of keeping inoperable automobiles. As used in this section, “inoperable automobile” means any motor vehicle which:
(1) Is not in operating condition; or
(2) Has no value except for salvage or junk purposes; or
(3) Has not been licensed and issued a distinctive number and registration mark valid for the current year pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 4503; or
(4) Does not display such distinctive number and registration mark.
(b) As used in this section, “keeping inoperable automobiles” means the parking, standing or storage of one or more automobiles at any place, other than in an enclosed garage, for a period in excess of seven calendar days.
(Ord. 05-12. Passed 7-23-12.)
(a) Commercial Vehicles. The parking or storage of commercial vehicles or equipment, as herein defined, in any Residential District, other than in a garage or enclosed structure, is prohibited, except that a commercial vehicle may be parked outside of a garage or enclosure for a reasonable period of time when making a customary delivery of goods, merchandise or services to the premises located within such Residential District. Further, and subject to the provisions of Section 761.04, the height of the door of the garage or enclosure shall not exceed seven feet, unless the Zoning and Building Standards Board of Appeals, upon request of the owner, grants a variance on the height of the door, which variance shall not exceed eighteen inches of such requirement.
(b) Construction Vehicles and/or Equipment. The parking or storage in any Residential District, of vehicles, machines, devices or equipment used in the construction or maintenance of buildings, dwellings, houses, roads and sidewalks, is prohibited. However, where such vehicles, machines, devices and/or equipment are being used for the building, renovation, maintenance or improving of a house, dwelling, road or sidewalk in any Residential District, the temporary parking or storage of the vehicles, machines, devices and/or equipment is permitted until the project has been completed.
(c) Definitions. As used in this section:
(1) “Commercial vehicle” means:
A. Any large trucks and equipment such as, but not limited to: semi-tractors and/or trailers, stake trucks, cube trucks, cube vans, dump trucks, panel trucks, delivery trucks, and equipment trailers. Any vehicle exceeding 9,000 pounds GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight).
(2) “Construction vehicle and equipment” means any vehicle, off-highway earth- moving equipment, backhoe, bulldozer, cement mixer, hoist, scaffold, apparatus and machines used in the construction or maintenance of buildings, houses, roads, streets, sidewalks or driveways, or for landscaping.
(3) “Storage”, “stored” or “store” means the keeping or housing of any commercial or construction vehicle, or any equipment used in a commercial or construction enterprise, in or upon premises located in any Residential District for any period of time.
(4) “Parking”, “parked” or “park” means the stopping or standing of vehicles, whether or not occupied, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actively engaged in loading or unloading of merchandise or passengers.
(Ord. 05-12. Passed 7-23-12; Ord. 11-22. Passed 11-28-22.)
(a) Conditions of Permitted Parking. In order to minimize any deteriorating or adverse impact on adjacent properties, no recreational vehicle shall be parked or stored on any street or highway, or on any public or private property within the City, except as hereinafter provided. Any owner of a recreational vehicle that is not in excess of 28 feet in overall length, eight feet in width and 11 feet in height, may park or store such vehicle on property owned by him or her in accordance with the following conditions:
(1) The recreational vehicle parked or stored shall not have fixed connections to electricity, water, gas or sanitary sewer facilities, and at no time shall such vehicle be used for living or housekeeping purposes.
(2) If the camping and recreational vehicle is parked or stored outside of a garage, it must be parked or stored upon a hard-surface driveway or turn-around approved by the Building Department.
(3) All recreational vehicles must be kept in good repair and carry a current year's license and/or registration.
(4) No person shall make or cause to be made major repairs, alterations or conversions of recreational vehicles unless such repair, alteration or conversion is done in a completely enclosed garage. “Repairs of a major type” are herein defined to include, but are not limited to, spray painting, body, plumbing, heating, spring and frame repairs, radiator repair, major overhauling of engines requiring the removal of the engine cylinder head or crankcase pan or the removal of the motor and conversion of any other type of motor. The conversion of any vehicle is expressly prohibited.
(5) No materials of any nature may be stored beneath a recreational vehicle.
(6) When such a vehicle is parked or stored outside of a garage in an approved or permitted location, the wheels shall be left on such vehicle or vehicle conveyance so that it may be moved in case of an emergency.
(7) No recreational vehicle shall be parked or stored unless it is titled to or leased or used exclusively by one of the permanent occupants of the residence where the recreational vehicle is located.
(8) No recreational vehicle shall be stored outside of a garage until the adequacy of screening has been determined by the Zoning Administrator based upon a screening plan submitted to the Zoning Administrator and upon the following factors:
A. Location of screened area to adjacent residences.
B. Size and condition of vehicle.
C. View of screened area from the street.
D. Size, quantity and quality of screening.
Adequate screening shall consist of building walls, fencing or evergreen planting. At least five days before the Zoning Administrator makes any determination as to the adequacy of screening, notices shall be sent to the owners of contiguous properties. After such determination has been made, notice thereof shall be promptly given to the applicant and to the owners of contiguous properties. Such determination shall not become effective for ten days thereafter and, if an appeal is filed with the Zoning and Building Standards Board of Appeals, such determination shall not become effective until such appeal has been decided by said Board, as set forth in Section 762.04.
(9) In Multiple-Family Residential Districts, the outside storage and parking of recreational vehicles shall be permitted only in the area described as the off-street parking facility for the main residential structure. Such recreational vehicles must be owned or leased by an occupant of the main residential structure. All other provisions of this section shall be applicable to Multiple-Family Districts.
(10) A recreational vehicle may be parked on any premises for loading or unloading and maintenance purposes for a period of not more seventy-two hours so long as such parking does not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic of adjoining or abutting properties. The homeowner shall notify the South Euclid Police Department when the recreational vehicle is parked on the property for the purposes of loading, unloading or maintenance purposes.
(b) Recreational Vehicle Defined. As used in this section, “recreational vehicle” means and includes the following:
(1) A “travel trailer”, which means a vehicular, portable structure built on a chassis, designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacation uses;
(2) A “pick-up camper”, which means a structure designed primarily to be mounted on a pick-up or truck chassis and with sufficient equipment to render it suitable for use as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacation uses;
(3) A “motor home”, which means a self-propelled recreational vehicle constructed with permanently installed facilities for cold storage, cooking and consumption of food, and for sleeping;
(4) A “folding tent trailer”, which means a canvas folding structure, mounted on wheels and designed for travel and vacation uses;
(5) A “boat” or “boat trailer”, which mean and includes a boat, float, snowmobile and raft, plus the normal equipment to transport the same on the streets and highways;
(6) A “trailer”, which means a cart or wagon designed to be pulled by an automobile, van, truck or tractor for hauling boats, floats, rafts, canoes, snowmobiles, motorcycles and other recreational equipment and devices, as well as those carts or wagons used for utility purposes, i.e. hauling landscaping materials, furniture and household goods, plus the normal equipment to transport the same on the highway.
(Ord. 05-12. Passed 7-23-12; Ord. 06-19. Passed 5-13-19.)
(a) In the case of mixed uses, off-street parking spaces shall equal the sum of the requirements of the various uses computed separately.
(b) The collective provision of off-street parking areas by two or more buildings or uses located on adjacent zoning lots is permitted, provided that the total of such facilities shall not be less than the sum required of the various buildings or uses computed separately, and further provided that the land upon which the collective facilities are located is owned or leased in the same ownership as the use to which they are accessory, which land shall be subject to deed restrictions filed in an office of record, binding the owner and his or her heirs and assigns to maintain the required number of parking spaces available throughout the life of such use.
(Ord. 05-12. Passed 7-23-12.)
(a) Two or more institutional, commercial, or industrial uses are encouraged to share parking facilities in compliance with this section. The Planning Commission may approve a development plan with such a reduction, or reallocation, in the number of parking spaces required when the Planning Commission determines:
(1) That, because of varying peak demands, the uses can be adequately accommodated with a lesser number of parking spaces than that which are required based on the sum of the various uses computed separately;
(2) That the lesser number of spaces, or the reallocation of the required parking spaces, is appropriate and consistent with these regulations;
(3) That not more than 50% of the required parking spaces shall be shared; and
(4) That the location of the shared or reallocated parking will provide convenient and safe access from the shared parking area to the use that the shared parking is serving.
(b) Shared Parking Application. In addition to all other submission requirements applicable for the proposal, an applicant requesting a shared parking arrangement shall also provide:
(1) Evidence, as determined by the Planning Commission, that the two land uses have differing peak-hours (or days, or seasons) of parking demand, or that the total parking demand at any one time would be adequately served by the total number of parking spaces being proposed.
(2) An agreement between property owners if the shared parking area and the use served is in two or more separate ownerships. Such agreement shall address such items, but not be limited to, use of facilities, maintenance, utilities taxes, signage, enforcement, cooperation, insurance, indemnification, and termination. The Law Director shall approve the form and completeness of such agreement.
(c) Residential uses are not permitted to share parking facilities pursuant to this section.
(Ord. 05-12. Passed 7-23-12.)
(a) Drive-through establishments shall provide stacking space for the queuing of vehicles awaiting service as determined by the Traffic Commissioner and in accordance with the following provisions:
(1) Each stacking space shall be 20 feet long, and a minimum of nine feet wide.
(2) Lane widths should be delineated with pavement markings. However, individual spaces within the lane need not be marked.
(3) Stacking spaces shall be in addition to the required parking spaces and must not be located within a required driveway, internal circulation system, or parking aisle.
(Ord. 05-12. Passed 7-23-12.)
(a) Stored Vehicles to be Salvaged/Repaired. The outdoor storage of such vehicles associated with permitted auto repair or salvage facilities shall be consistent with the following requirements:
(1) All such vehicles, including antique vehicles, shall be stored within the rear or side yard. In no case shall such vehicles be stored in any front yard between the front building facade and the street, or within any buffer yard, required landscape area, or required setback area.
(2) All storage areas for such vehicles shall be completely enclosed with an eight-foot tall, opaque wood, vinyl, stone, or masonry fence. Chain link fences may be permitted if supplemented by plant material that forms a continuous landscape screen composed of evergreens and a minimum of six feet high. Gates allowing access to the storage areas shall be closed when not in use, and shall be a minimum of eight feet in height and 100% opaque.
(Ord. 05-12. Passed 7-23-12.)
(a) The cart corrals shall not be located in required parking spaces, nor displace required landscape areas. Shopping cart corrals: If applicable, parking lots shall include an adequate number of shopping cart corrals where carts can be dropped off without obstructing vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian traffic movement, or being left in landscape planter areas. Cart corrals should be both attractive and durable, and their design will be a specific consideration in the site plan.
(Ord. 05-12. Passed 7-23-12.)
(a) In the event that any land is acquired by the City, by lease or otherwise, for the purpose of providing Municipal off-street parking, any structure or use or part thereof which, at the time of such acquisition by the City, was already occupied or was subject to a right of occupation for off-street parking, shall thereafter be deemed to have the number of off-street parking spaces required under this Planning and Zoning Code at the time of the acquisition by the City.
(b) The Director of Service shall prepare a written report indicating the exact number of off-street parking spaces to be credited to each building, as provided in subsection (a) hereof. Such report shall be filed with the Director of Finance as part of the permanent record of such parking improvement.
(c) Any structure not fully occupied at the time of the acquisition of the land referred to in subsection (a) hereof shall be credited with the number of off-street parking spaces required for the last full occupancy of such building.
(Ord. 05-12. Passed 7-23-12.)