(A) Any person violating any provision of this chapter, for which no other penalty is provided, shall be subject to the penalty provisions of § 10.99.
(B) Whoever violates § 91.01 is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(C) Whoever violates § 91.02 is guilty of a minor misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine in the amount of $100.
(D) (1) Any person, owner or contractor who violates or fails or refuses to comply with any provision of §§ 91.15 through 91.39 is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. Any continuance or renewal of any work after being ordered stopped on account of the failure or refusal to exhibit the permit for inspection, and before such permit is so produced, shall constitute a separate offense.
(2) Any violation of the rules and regulations or any order of the Village Manager is a misdemeanor 4 (M-4).
(Ord. 2001-9, passed - -2001; Ord. 2004-4, passed 6-1-2004; Ord. 2015-10, passed 8-18-2015)