(a)   Built-in incinerators shall be supported on masonry or concrete floors and shall have the sides and top made of brick not less than eight inches thick, which will be composed of two four-inch walls with an air space between, or a complete metal unit may be used with four-inch masonry walls on all sides and the top. The flue shall be constructed of brick, not less than four inches thick, with a fire clay tile flue lining. The minimum size of the flue shall be 12 inches with a maximum opening of 72 square inches. No flue feed incinerators will be permitted.
   (b)   Portable incinerators shall be constructed of cast-iron or steel supported on a proven structurally supported noncombustible floor and shall be so designed that when operating at full capacity the sides shall not reach a higher temperature than 300°F and the top shall not reach a higher temperature than 400°F. No wood or other combustible portion of the building shall be within two feet of the sides, within four feet of the front, or within three feet of the top of such incinerator. Every such incinerator shall be connected with a smokepipe, as required in this section, to a flue constructed as herein required.
   (c)   Industrial incinerators shall be supported on masonry or concrete foundations and shall have sides and a top of not less than eight inches of brick, the inner four inches of which shall be firebrick. The burnt gases shall be conducted directly from the incinerator by a masonry breeching lined with firebrick to a masonry flue. Such flue shall be at least eight inches thick for the first 25 feet above the breeching, the inner four inches of which shall be firebrick, and at least four inches thick in addition to a fire clay tile flue lining for the remainder of its height. There shall be an air space between the inner four inches of firebrick and the outer wall of the flue. All units shall be required to have a forced draft gas washer or approved equal.
   (d)   Every incinerator shall conform to the requirements and recommendations of the Regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for Incinerators, NBFU Pamphlet No. 82.
   (e)   No incinerator shall be installed, after the effective date of this section, which is not equipped and constructed so it can be operated without producing objectionable quantities of smoke and so that no objectionable or obnoxious odors will be emitted from the chimney.
   (f)   No incinerator shall be approved that does not feature provisions for over-fire air to permit reasonably smokeless incineration of the contents, irrespective of the depths of the charge, provided the charge is within its range capacity.
(Ord. 1963-52, passed 5-6-1963; Ord. 2005-152, passed 6-20-2005)