(a) Metal smokestacks will not be allowed in the following types of occupancies:
(1) Residential - transient;
(2) Residential - nontransient;
(3) Hospitals and homes;
(4) Schools and school assembly halls;
(5) Business offices;
(6) Storage buildings; and
(7) Places of assembly.
(b) All metal stacks shall have iron or steel base plates resting on a foundation of brick, stone or concrete, or may be supported on a structural steel or masonry boiler setting which is adequate to carry the superimposed load.
(c) All metal stacks shall be properly anchored to the foundation or supports by means of anchor bolts of adequate size and number.
(d) Metal stacks may be designed in accordance with requirements of being self-supporting and resist all wind stresses without guys, or they may be designed with the assumption that they will be laterally stayed with guys or braces. In the latter case, they shall be stayed laterally at intervals of not over 30 feet by steel cables, rods or struts designed to safely resist the maximum wind pressure from any direction. All guys shall be secured to a structural steel ring which encircles and which is riveted or welded to the stack. Steel stacks shall be provided with tackle blocks or hooks and steel wire cables not less than three-eighths of an inch in diameter for the purpose of painting. Cables shall be greased at least once a year.
(e) Steel stacks which are constructed inside of a nonfireproof building shall be entirely enclosed with masonry walls not less than eight inches thick, except that metal stacks for small stoves in temporary sheds, contractors’ offices and similar buildings may be unprotected if adequately separated from all wood or other combustible material. The shaft between the stack and the enclosing wall in such a building shall be roofed over with incombustible material, and no wood shall be used in any way inside of such shaft.
(f) If such stacks are constructed inside of fireproof buildings, they shall be enclosed by a partition wall made of brick, terra cotta, concrete or other incombustible materials not less than four inches thick. Such stacks in fireproof buildings may be made self-supporting for the entire height or may be supported from the floors at intervals, but in either case the construction shall provide for all contingencies due to changes in temperature. The shaft formed between the stack and the enclosing partition shall be roofed in with steel plates or other incombustible material.
(g) Where such stack passes through a roof only, which is of nonfireproof construction, it shall be separated from any combustible material of such roof by a clear space of at least 12 inches, over which space shall be placed a hood or shield of metal at least six inches above the roof, permitting free air circulation around the stack.
(h) Metal smokestacks installed outside of a building shall not be located within two feet of any structure built of combustible material.
(i) No metal stacks shall be made of metal less in thickness than one two-hundred-fortieth of the diameter of the stack, and stacks over 50 feet high shall not be made of metal less than three-sixteenths of an inch thick.
(j) All metal stacks shall be at least ten feet higher than the highest point of buildings or roofs of buildings within a radius of 50 feet.
(k) Lengthening or alterations may be required by the Building Department of any chimney, stack or flue which may cause a nuisance or be a fire hazard to surrounding property, regardless of the 50-foot requirement above, unless the nuisance or fire hazard can be abated in some other way.
(l) The exposed length of any metal stack above the ground or roof shall be inspected at least every two years by a competent steeplejack, employed by the owner or user of such stack, who shall furnish the Building Department with a certificate as to the condition of such stack and its support. Such certificate shall be accepted only from steeplejacks who are registered with the Department after it is determined that they are competent.
(m) All stacks shall be kept in good condition and the exposed portion shall be kept well painted.
(Ord. 1963-52, passed 5-6-1963)