(a) Mobile home/manufactured home subdivision in conformance with § 158.275;
(b) Mobile home/manufactured home park in conformance with § 158.275;
(c) Group day care;
(d) Group home;
(e) Nursing home;
(f) Cemetery;
(g) Kennel;
(h) Stabling of horses provided they are owned by the resident of the property and not used as a commercial operation on the property;
(i) Golf course, except miniature course and driving range;
(j) Wind energy conversion system in conformance with the requirements of § 158.272;
(k) Electrical substation;
(l) Public utility facility; and
(m) Day care center.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 4.04) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)