   12-4-1   Contents of final plat
   12-4-2   Filing of final plat
   12-4-3   Review of final plat
   12-4-4   Approval or disapproval by Town Council
   (A)   Contents. The final plat shall incorporate all changes or modifications required by the Town Council. All drawings or signatures shall be on permanent reproducible form acceptable to the town, with outer dimensions of 24 inches by 36 inches. It shall contain all of the information required for the preliminary plat (except contour lines, public utilities, and the owners of adjacent undeveloped property), plus the following:
      (1)   Accurate dimensions for all lines, angles, and curbs used to describe boundary streets, alleys, easements, areas to be dedicated for the public use, and other important features;
      (2)   An identification of all lots and blocks, and names of streets;
      (3)   A certificate signed and acknowledged by all parties having any recorded title in the land shall appear on the final plat and shall be in conformance with state law;
      (4)   A certification by a state licensed surveyor as to the accuracy of the survey and drafting of the plat;
      (5)   Certification for approval of the plat by the Mayor and approval and acceptance of the plat by the Town Council;
      (6)   Certificate for recording the book, page, date, and instrument number where the plat is recorded in the office of the County Clerk and ex officio register of deeds;
      (7)   Legal description of the tract being subdivided and reflecting the boundary survey and including the section, township, and range; and
      (8)   All exterior plat boundary lines with lengths of courses and bearings as determined by an accurate survey in the field. The plat shall be prepared at a scale of not smaller than one inch equals 100 feet.
   (B)   Accompanying documents. The final plat shall be accompanied by the engineering drawings, construction plans, agreements, or bonds as may be specified by the Town Council in accordance with the provisions of Chs. 1, 3, and 6 of this title.
(Prior Code, § 12-4-1)
   (A)   Filing with Town Council; time limit for action. After receiving notice of the action of the Town Council approving the preliminary plat, if a developer desires to proceed, he or she shall file three copies of the final plat with Town Council. The Town Council shall act on the final plat within 30 days after official filing, unless the time is extended by agreement with the developer or his or her agent.
   (B)   Council determination. The Town Council shall recommend whether the final plat shall be approved or disapproved. If recommended for approval, the Chairperson of the Town Council shall affix his or her signature to the plat. If disapproved, the Town Council shall attach to the plat a statement of the reasons for such action. In any case, a notation of the action taken and requisite reasons therefor shall be entered in the records of the town.
(Prior Code, § 12-4-2)