   12-6-1   Required improvements listed
   12-6-2   Guarantee and dedication of improvements
   12-6-3   Methods of assurance of guarantee
   12-6-4   Agreement between town and developer
   12-6-5   Certificates of occupancy
   12-6-6   Building permits
   12-6-7   Maintenance of improvements
   12-6-8   Determination of completion
   12-6-9   Acceptance of improvements
   (A)   No final plat of any development of land shall be approved by the Town Council, unless it is possible without undue delay for the developer to supply a guarantee to the improvements required in this chapter.
   (B)   The owner of any land to be platted as a subdivision shall, at his or her own expense, install the improvements detailed below:
      (1)   Street grading and drainage. Grading, concrete curbs, and gutters, cross gutters, drainage, and drainage structures necessary to the proper use, safety, and drainage of streets and highways;
      (2)   Pavement material and thickness. Pavement material and thickness shall be a minimum of eight-inch compacted subbase, with a minimum four-inch bituminous overlay, unless otherwise specified by the Town Engineer;
      (3)   Concrete sidewalks. Concrete sidewalks shall be provided not less than five feet wide. Wider sidewalks may be required along major and collector highways or for streets abutting commercial or industrially zoned land;
      (4)   Water supply. The developer shall connect to the town water system. Water mains and fire hydrants of a size, type and at a location uniform in pattern and design historically used in the town shall be provided by the developer. Individual water connections to each lot shall be provided from the town water system to the property line of each lot;
      (5)   Sewer system. The developer shall connect to the town sewer system. Stubs from public utilities, where provided, and from sanitary sewers shall be made available for each lot in such manner as will obviate the necessity for disturbing the street pavement, gutter, culvert, and curb when sewer line connections are made. Individual sewer connections to each lot shall be provided from the town sewer system to the property line of each lot and no more than one house shall be tied unto each lateral;
      (6)   Street name signs. Street name signs uniform in design and pattern as those historically used in the town shall be installed at all street intersections. The developer shall bear the total expense in the purchasing and installation of all required street name signs;
      (7)   Barricades and reflectors required. Barricades and reflectors shall be provided along the ends of all dead end or without turn around streets, and at the ends of culverts and other dangerous areas during construction. There shall be no permanent dead end streets without cul-de-sacs;
      (8)   Permanent survey monuments. Permanent survey monuments shall be set at all development boundary corners in such locations so as not to be disturbed during construction. Permanent survey monuments shall also be placed on each lot p.c. and p.t., shall be five-eighths inch rebar with aluminum cap, and shall be marked with the identity of the corner and name of the surveyor. Such monuments shall either be concrete at least 36 inches in length and four square with suitable permanent center point, or a 30 inch by two and one-half inch iron pipe with brass cap;
      (9)   Other improvements. The developer shall make such other improvements as needed when deemed necessary by the Town Council to preserve the public health, safety, or welfare;
      (10)   Extension of sewer and water facilities. If sewer and water facilities are not available adjacent to the proposed development, it shall be the responsibility of the developer to extend such lines in a manner satisfactory to the Town Council. Where such lines may benefit existing developments, the Town Council can make such a determination and if deemed necessary, may partially finance or make other arrangements as needed to assist in such construction; and
      (11)   Dedication of public land.
         (a)   To enable the development of public uses to serve the development, dedication of areas or sites of a character, extent and location suitable for parks, schools, open space, greenbelts, or other public purposes (other than streets) shall be dedicated as follows: The percent of the total land to be dedicated shall be based on the formula below, which recognizes the national standard of ten acres per 1,000 population for park usage. This standard is then related to the density and varying family size and density changes. Therefore, the amount to be dedicated is calculated as follows:
Gross density x 2 ÷ 5 = 11% dedication
Example: 3 units per acre x 2 ÷ 5 = 11% dedication
         (b)   An alternate to dedication could occur if agreed upon by the Town Council in one of the following methods:
            1.   Dedicating use rights to the town for a portion of the area;
            2.   Leasing to the town for a nominal fee for 50 to 100 years; or
            3.   Cash payment to the town for the market value of the land required for open space.
(Prior Code, § 12-6-1) (Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024)
   All improvements required in this title shall be guaranteed. All improvements shall be dedicated to the town, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances on the property and public improvements thus dedicated.
(Prior Code, § 12-6-2)
   (A)   No final subdivision plat will be approved by the town unless one or more of the following methods of assurance are submitted with the final plat.
      (1)   Performance bond.
         (a)   The subdivider may post a performance bond at the time of application for subdivision approval in an amount equal to 150% of the present cost of all required improvements.
         (b)   Such performance bond shall comply with all statutory requirements and shall be satisfactory to the Town Attorney as to form, sufficiency, and manner of execution as set forth in this title.
         (c)   The period within which required improvements must be completed shall be specified by the Town Council in the resolution approving the final subdivision plat and shall be incorporated in the bond and shall not, in any event, exceed two years from the date of final approval.
         (d)   Such bond shall be approved by the Town Council as to amount and surety and conditions satisfactory to the governing body.
         (e)   The Town Council may, upon proof of difficulty, recommend to the Town Council extension of the completion date set forth in such bond for a maximum period of one additional year.
         (f)   The Town Council may at any time during the period of such bond accept a substitution of principal of sureties on the bond upon recommendation of the Town Council.
      (2)   Escrow account.
         (a)   The subdivider shall deposit cash, or collateral readily convertible to cash at face value, either with the Town Council or in escrow with a bank in an amount equal to 150% of the present cost of all required improvements. The use of collateral other than cash, and the selection of the bank with which funds are to be deposited are subject to the approval of the Town Council.
         (b)   When an escrow account is to be employed, the subdivider shall file with the Town Council his or her agreement with the bank guaranteeing the following:
            1.   The funds in the escrow account are to be held in trust until released by the Town Council and may not be used or pledged by the subdivider as security for an obligation during that period; and
            2.   In case the subdivider fails to complete the required improvements, the bank shall immediately make the funds in escrow available to the town for the completion of these improvements.
      (3)   Property escrow. The subdivider may offer as a guarantee land or other property equal in value to 150% of the present cost of all required improvements. A qualified real estate appraiser shall establish the value of any real property so used and, in so doing, shall take into account the possibility of a decline or rise in the value of the property during the guarantee period. The Town Council reserves the right to reject the use as collateral of any property when the value of the property is unstable, when the property may be difficult to sell, or when other factors exist which will inhibit the Town Council from exchanging the property for an amount of money sufficient to complete the required improvements. When property is offered as an improvement guarantee, the subdivider shall:
         (a)   Execute an agreement with the escrow agent when it is not the town, instructing the agent to release the property to the town in the case of default. The agreement shall be placed on file with the County Clerk;
         (b)   File with the Town Council a title insurance policy affirming that the property to be used as guarantee is free and clear of any encumbrances or liens at the time it is to be put in escrow; and
         (c)   Execute and file with the Town Council an agreement stating that the property to be placed in escrow as an improvement guarantee will not be used for any other purpose, or pledged as a security in any other matter, until it is released by the Town Council. Such agreement shall be sufficient to constitute a lien on the real property pledged in favor of the town on the real property.
      (4)   Irrevocable letter of credit. Subject to the approval of the Town Council, the subdivider shall provide an irrevocable letter of credit from a bank or other reputable institution or individual. This letter shall be deposited with the Town Council and shall verify the following.
         (a)   The creditor guarantees funds in an amount equal to 150% of the present cost, as estimated by the Council, of completing all required improvements.
         (b)   If the subdivider fails to complete the specified improvements within the required period, the creditor will pay to the town immediately, and without further action, such funds as are necessary to finance the completion of those improvements, up to the limit of credit stated in the letter.
         (c)   This irrevocable letter of credit may not be withdrawn, or reduced in amount until released by the Town Council.
      (5)   Construction of improvements prior to final plat recordation. If the subdivider chooses to construct the required improvements prior to the recording of the final plat, he or she shall submit the construction plans to the Town Engineer. A certificate by the subdivider’s engineer on the as built plans stating the construction conforms to the specifications and standards contained in or referred to herein must be presented to the Town Council prior to the approval of the final plat.
   (B)   Assurances shall be maintained for a specific period of time necessary to ensure completion of the required improvements within the time period determined by the governing body, not to exceed two years. Extensions of this period shall be granted only upon timely application by the subdivider to the governing body and upon consent of the issuer of the assurance and governing body.
(Prior Code, § 12-6-3)