No person having a water tap on his or her premises and permitted to use water therefrom shall supply water to other families or persons, or allow other persons to take water from the premises except for drinking or domestic purposes.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-12) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004; Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024) Penalty, see § 9-1-22
No person shall waste water from the town water system. No leaks in service pipes, connecting pipes, or any water fixture shall be permitted, and if not promptly repaired to stop such waste of water, after notice from the Town Council or Public Utilities Commissioner, water shall be shut off and not again turned on until such leak is repaired.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-13) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004) Penalty, see § 9-1-22
(A) Notice when water shut off. Notice to property owners or occupants/tenants, by the town or by any officer or employee thereof, when water is to be turned off for any official reason, shall not be required; however, the town may, at its discretion, notify property owners or occupants/tenants when water is to be shut off to any premises.
(B) Water turned off; consent to turn on. When the water has been turned off from any consumer, they shall not turn it on nor permit it to be turned on without the consent of the town.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-14) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004)
(A) Free access following notice. The Public Utilities Commissioner, employees of the Water Department, Chief of Police, police officers, the Mayor, and all other officers, agents, or inspectors of the town shall have free access at all reasonable hours, upon reasonable notice, to enter any premises where water is used, for the purpose of maintenance and repair of facilities and for the purpose of ascertaining any violations of any of the provision of this chapter, and such right of access is hereby declared to be a condition of water service which is accepted by property owners, occupiers, and tenants by accepting service from the town water system.
(B) Denial of access. If access as herein provided is denied by the owner or other person(s) in rightful possession of property, the town may shut off water service and discontinue any further utility service to the premises.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-15) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004)
During any time that water is in short supply or there is any water emergency whatsoever, the Mayor and the Town Council may establish reasonable rules and regulations for the town. Said reasonable rules and regulations may include, but not by way of limitation, the power to regulate water use on any uniform basis deemed necessary by the Town Council and the power to impose lawn watering and other water use restrictions within and without the town.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-16) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004)