9-1-1 Ownership and control of water system
9-1-2 Management of system: Public Utilities Commissioner
9-1-3 Water system reserve account within Water Fund
9-1-4 Water service rates and payment
9-1-5 Deposit required for new account
9-1-6 Financial hardship; special circumstances; waiver of fees
9-1-7 Multiple and single units; service lines
9-1-8 Connection requirements; charges and payment
9-1-9 Billing intervals and procedure
9-1-10 Unpaid utility bills and charges; lien
9-1-11 Service lines and curb stops
9-1-12 Water tap use generally
9-1-13 Waste forbidden
9-1-14 Water turn off
9-1-15 Right of access
9-1-16 Water conservation
9-1-17 Water use restrictions
9-1-18 Water meters
9-1-19 Unauthorized use of fire hydrants
9-1-20 Pollution of town waterworks
9-1-21 Usage of water outside town; permit; charges
9-1-22 Penalty
(A) Ownership; object of system. The system of waterworks storage, transmission, distribution, and supply of the town, located within and without the corporate limits of the town, are owned by the town and maintained, controlled, and managed exclusively by the Town Council for municipal purposes. The object of said system shall be to supply the inhabitants thereof and others as determined by the town with potable water for domestic, commercial, manufacturing, lawn watering, and other purposes within and without the town limits.
(B) Approval of additions, changes. The Town Council controls and approves all additions, changes, and elections to the system and all hookups to the waterworks system. It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, excepting the properly authorized agents, officers, or employees of the town, to add to, change, alter, or otherwise modify the waterworks system within or without the town, or to insert taps in any water main or otherwise connect or disconnect from any water main, or turn on any curb stop in the waterworks system of the town.
(C) Unauthorized turn on of water. When the water has been turned off from any consumer, such consumer shall not turn it on or permit it to be turned on without the prior consent and authorization of the town.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-1) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004) Penalty, see § 9-1-22
(A) Council control. The Town Council controls, manages, and maintains the waterworks system as hereinbefore set forth.
(B) Public Utilities Commissioner.
(1) Appointment; compensation. In the furnishing and maintenance of the water services herein provided, the Town Council may be represented when it deems it is necessary by a Public Utilities Commissioner who shall be appointed by the Mayor, after advice and with consent of the Town Council, and the Public Utilities Commissioner shall receive such compensation for his or her services as the Council from time to time determines.
(2) Removal. The Public Utilities Commissioner may be removed from office at the pleasure of the Mayor and Town Council.
(3) Duties. The Commissioner’s duties, if appointed, shall be to superintend the installation and maintenance of the water system and he or she shall be required to give a report on his or her activities to the Town Council at a regular time designated by them. No bill or claim for work done or material furnished to the system of waterworks to the town shall be paid or allowed without first having been audited and approved by the said Public Utilities Commissioner, if appointed, and the Town Council in all cases.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-2) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004)