   (A)   Requirement; amount. 
      (1)   The town shall establish an account for each parcel of property or unit to which water service is provided.
      (2)   All accounts shall be carried in the name of the property owner of record for real property tax purposes and the agent, tenant, occupant, purchaser, or lessee of each parcel of property if different than the record owner(s), all of which shall be jointly and severally responsible for the payment of said account.
      (3)   As security for payment, the town requires a deposit for each account in a new billing name established after the effective date hereof, payable to the town. The security deposit shall be set by resolution of the Town Council.
   (B)   Refund of deposit.
      (1)   The deposit shall be refunded to the person making the deposit or their authorized assignee for the account if the account is current for 12 consecutive months of service and there have been no late charges assessed on the account during the 12-month period or at the time said account is closed and registered in a new name if the account is current at that time.
      (2)   If the account is not current after 12 consecutive months, said deposit shall be maintained for additional 12-month periods until the same is current for each month of the entire period. If an account is in arrears, the town shall have authority at any time as determined by the Town Clerk-Treasurer to apply the security deposit or any portion thereof to the arrearage on said account.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-5) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004; Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024)
   In the event the fees created by this chapter, including availability charge, commodity charge, or connection charges, create an undue financial hardship, the Town Council shall be empowered to waive or reduce such fees upon presentation of satisfactory proof of financial hardship, but said waiver shall be at the sole discretion of the town. The town may also waive said fees, in the sole discretion of the Town Council, if determined to be in the best interest of the town for commercial or industrial development.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-6) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004)
   (A)   Multiple units. MULTIPLE UNITS, as used herein, shall include a MOBILE HOME COURT, which is defined as three or more trailer spaces under a single ownership and contiguous to each other, apartment complex, motel, hotel, and related establishments. All multiple units shall be served with a single main line and single service line therefrom with a single water meter measuring the water used by such multiple units. The property owner shall be responsible for the payment of the bill based on the single meter reading and the penalties associated with such bill, if any.
   (B)   Single units. Not more than one single-family dwelling or one commercial unit shall be served from one service line with each such unit having its own meter, except as otherwise provided in division (A) above.
   (C)   Two or more consumers on one service. Except as provided in division (A) above, from and after the effective date hereof, individual service shall be installed for each consumer. In the case of multiple units presently being served by more than one main or one service line, the town shall provide a single tap and meter. The work, including labor and materials, necessary to hook up any multiple unit to a single tap shall be the responsibility of the property owner. In establishing individual service, the town shall tap the water main and bring the water service to the curb stop and install a water meter the same as it would provide in the case of a new tap but no connection charge fee shall be charged to consumers whose service is separated. There will still be a reimbursement charge as provided in § 9-1-8 to consumers whose service is separated.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-7) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004)
   (A)   Charges established; exception; requirements.
      (1)   Charges; permit; connection requirements.
         (a)   The Town Council has the authority to set a connection charge (previously known as a tap fee) for hooking onto the water main, by ordinance. All such connection charges are due and payable during regular working hours in the office of the Town Clerk-Treasurer. Connection charges shall be paid to the Town Clerk-Treasurer and a permit obtained prior to tapping or otherwise making any connection whatsoever to the water main. The permit shall be issued for a specific permittee and shall not be transferable to other property nor to another permittee.
         (b)   After payment of the connection charge fee in the office of the Town Clerk-Treasurer and issuance of a permit for a tap, the town will tap the water main, run a lateral water line from the water main to the property line or to the existing service on town property and install a curb stop and a water meter, pit, or meter assembly and other necessary appurtenances including meter reading equipment.
         (c)   The town will also require for various nonresidential users, installation of an approved backflow prevention device as required by the State Department of Environmental Quality or the applicable regulatory agency.
         (d)   All materials and fixtures required to bring water service to the property line or to the existing service on town property shall be furnished by the town at the expense of the property owner or permittee pursuant to the connection charge set out in division (A)(1)(e) below. Thereafter, the property owner or permittee shall be responsible for running and connecting the water service from the connection from the meter pit assembly into the property, including the required and town approved expansion pressure relief device.
         (e)   Until modified by the Town Council by resolution, the connection charge payable hereunder shall be retained by the town in a fund for expansion and/or repair of the water system. The connection charge includes fees plus reimbursement for all labor and materials, and the amounts of connection charges are available at the Town Hall.
      (2)   Exceptions to payment of fee. No fee shall be required for tapping the water main when the tap is:
         (a)   For the sole purpose of providing service for a fire protection system within the structure;
         (b)   Required by the State Department of Fire Prevention and Safety or a similar governmental agency, and such request is evidenced by a written document from that agency; or
         (c)   The connection or tap is not into a consumer.
   (B)   Reimbursement of charges to town. Labor and materials, as well as equipment charges, necessary and reasonably charged by the town for tapping the water main, extending water service to the property line or to the existing service on town property, installing water service to the meter pit or meter assembly and installing the curb stop and a water meter, pit or meter assembly, and other necessary appurtenances, including meter reading equipment and all other necessary appurtenances, shall also be reimbursed to the town as part of the connection charge. This reimbursement charge shall include all pavement and other necessary surface access and restoration costs. The connection charge fee will be paid prior to issuance of a permit and the reimbursement for all labor and materials, as well as equipment charges, shall be paid in full prior to the water supply being turned on.
   (C)   Large water taps; negotiations. For any water taps made over two inches in size, the connection charge shall be negotiated between the applicant and the Town Council according to existing conditions at the time of the request for the tap and taking into account the ability of the town waterworks system to furnish the water required, additional administrative expense incurred by the town, labor, materials furnished and provided by the town, and all other factors which may reasonably be expected to result in an additional financial burden or necessitate additional capital expenditures. The connection charge for multiple units, whether residential or commercial, shall be the fee set forth in division (A)(1)(e) above for the first unit and an additional 20% of the fee for each additional unit, plus the reimbursement charges as set forth in division (B) above.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-8) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004; Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024)
   The town may bill for utilities at such intervals as shall be administratively convenient, and the delinquency charges and lien provisions of this chapter shall apply to and commence from the date of billing. The penalty charges and turn on fees set forth in § 9-1-4 shall be paid by the record owner of the property in the event of a delinquency and/or cessation of utility service.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-9) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004)
   (A)   Steps for filing lien. Any utility monthly bill, penalty, turn on fee, or connection charge remaining unpaid on or after the one-hundred-twentieth day of the initial billing shall become a lien upon the property benefited by the water services furnished pursuant to said bill upon and only after the following steps have been taken.
      (1)   The town shall first give ten days’ notice, in writing, to the current occupant (billing party) at their address for utility billing purposes and to the current owner’s address of record for county real property tax purposes in the County Treasurer’s office for the property in question, of its intent to file a lien against the property, such notice to reasonably describe the property and set forth the amount claimed by the town. The street address shall be sufficient to describe the property in the notice and shall be sufficient address for mailing the notice if the property owner has no utility billing or other address on file with the town. For purposes of this chapter, notice shall be sufficient if deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed as hereinabove indicated and shall be complete upon mailing.
      (2)   No sooner than ten days after the mailing of the notice(s) as provided hereinabove, the town shall file a lien statement properly acknowledged and containing a true legal description of the property and the amount then due to the town in the office of the County Clerk and ex officio register of deeds of the county.
      (3)   Upon the proper filing of said lien statement, the lien shall be considered a lien on the property for all purposes.
   (B)   Foreclosure. Any such lien may thereafter be foreclosed by appropriate action in court or in the manner provided by law for the foreclosure of a mortgage by advertisement and sale as set forth in Wyo. Stat. §§ 34-4-102 et seq., as amended from time to time.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-10) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004; Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024)
   (A)   Maintenance of water lines. The town shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the water mains and lateral service lines to each user’s property line. All maintenance inside the property lines shall be the responsibility of the property owner, except for the water meter and backflow prevention devices which shall be maintained by the town whether located on private property or not.
   (B)   Installation of lateral service lines and other consumer lines. All lateral service lines and other consumer lines installed after the effective date hereof shall be buried a minimum of six feet below final grade and shall be backfilled in compliance with § 8-2-6.
   (C)   Curb stops required. The town shall install a curb stop in each service line.
   (D)   Keys to valves controlling water mains and curb stops. 
      (1)   No person, except an employee or agent acting under the instruction of the town or a member of the Town Council shall be allowed to use, own, or possess a key to any valve controlling water system mains.
      (2)   No person, except a town approved plumber or contractor, or an employee acting under instructions of the town or a member of the Town Council, shall be allowed to use, own, or possess a key to a curb stop.
      (3)   The keys herein described shall not be loaned to any person for any purpose, nor shall such key be allowed to remain in the possession of any individual other than as herein provided.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-11) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004; Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024) Penalty, see § 9-1-22
   No person having a water tap on his or her premises and permitted to use water therefrom shall supply water to other families or persons, or allow other persons to take water from the premises except for drinking or domestic purposes.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-12) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004; Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024) Penalty, see § 9-1-22
   No person shall waste water from the town water system. No leaks in service pipes, connecting pipes, or any water fixture shall be permitted, and if not promptly repaired to stop such waste of water, after notice from the Town Council or Public Utilities Commissioner, water shall be shut off and not again turned on until such leak is repaired.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-13) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004) Penalty, see § 9-1-22
§ 9-1-14 WATER TURN OFF.
   (A)   Notice when water shut off. Notice to property owners or occupants/tenants, by the town or by any officer or employee thereof, when water is to be turned off for any official reason, shall not be required; however, the town may, at its discretion, notify property owners or occupants/tenants when water is to be shut off to any premises.
   (B)   Water turned off; consent to turn on. When the water has been turned off from any consumer, they shall not turn it on nor permit it to be turned on without the consent of the town.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-14) (Ord. 342, passed 3-18-2004)