20.41.820   Use classifications.
   A.   Principal Uses. The following uses shall be permitted within the SP-7, Special Purpose Housing Specific Plan, Area 5. Unlisted uses shall be prohibited.
   1.   Multi-family dwelling units available for rent.
   B.   Accessory Uses. The following accessory uses shall be permitted, in conjunction with the development of a multi-family housing project at the site.
   1.   Community meeting room with associated support spaces;
   2.   Property management offices;
   3.   Laundry facilities for the sole use of the residents;
   4.   Open space;
   5.   Carports and uncovered parking lots.
   C.   Occupancy Restrictions. Except for the units occupied by on-site property management staff, occupancy of the dwelling units developed pursuant to the Special Purpose Housing Specific Plan (SP-7), Area 5 shall be restricted to low-income families and senior households, consistent with the terms of the Disposition and Development Agreement with Las Brisas Community Housing II L.P. approved on July 13, 2004 executed between the City of Signal Hill Redevelopment Agency, Signal Hill Housing Authority and the developer/operator. Upon expiration of the agreement, the developer, or subsequent property owner(s) shall have the option of:
   1.   Entering into a new agreement with the city, which would restrict occupancy of the project to low-income families and senior households; or
   2.   Upon the construction of additional parking, as may be required, pursuant to Section 20.41.880, offer the units for rent to the general public.
   D.   A declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions containing the restrictions provided in this section, and in a form approved by the city, shall be recorded against the property and shall run with the land.
(Ord. 2005-01-1343 (part))