12.08.060   Permit--Indemnity provisions.
   A permit issued for street surface improvements or a permit issued for an excavation under this chapter shall provide that the permittee shall indemnify, save, and keep the city, its officers, agents, and employees, free and harmless from and against any and all claims for injury, damage, loss, liability, cost, and expense of any name or nature whatsoever, which the city, its officers, agents, and employees may suffer, sustain, incur, or pay out as a result of any and all actions, suits, proceedings, claims and demands which may be brought, made or filed against the city, its officers, agents, and employees by reason of or arising out of, or in any manner connected with, any and all operations authorized or permitted by the permit, until all work authorized or permitted by the permit shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the city engineer and has been accepted in writing by the city engineer.
(Prior code § 12.04.060 (Ord. 487 § 5, 1960))