Every person who owns, controls, or who installs or causes to be installed any pipe, tunnel, or other subsurface facility in a public street or public place, except a service pipe or pipes, shall file in the office of the city engineer, within sixty days after completion of the installation thereof, a corrected map or set of maps or corrected atlas sheets, each drawn to a scale of not more than two hundred feet to the inch, which shall describe and show the location of all parts of the facility; provided, however, that if the map filed with the city engineer at the time the permit is issued is correct in every detail, such person may make a notation to that effect on the map and such map shall constitute a compliance with this section.
(Prior code § 12.04.170 (Ord. 487 § 15, 1960))
Whenever any pipe, conduit, duct, tunnel, or other subsurface installation, except a service pipe or pipes, located under the surface of any public street or other public place, or the use thereof is abandoned or is removed, the person owning, using, controlling, or having any interest therein shall, within sixty days after such abandonment, file in the office of the city engineer a map giving in detail the location of such pipe, conduit, duct, tunnel, or other installation so abandoned; provided, however, that if an accurate map is already on file, the abandonment or removal thereof may be indicated thereon by an appropriate endorsement in lieu of filing a new map.
(Prior code § 12.04.180 (Ord. 487 § 16, 1960))
Should a leak occur in any pipeline laid in or near a public street, alley, or way, an excavation may be made for the purpose of repairing the pipeline without first obtaining an excavation permit from the city engineer. However, the person making the excavation shall make application for such a permit as soon as is practicable thereafter and in any event before any backfilling is done.
(Ord. 68-2-617 § 1: prior code § 12.04.190 (Ord. 487 § 17, 1960))
A. Whenever the city engineer finds that any street surface improvement or excavation is being constructed contrary to or in violation of any provision of this chapter, or if it comes to the attention of the city engineer that any work authorized by a permit issued pursuant to this chapter is dangerous, unsafe, or a menace to life, health or property, the city engineer shall order the work to be immediately stopped or shall order the alteration of any dangerous or unsafe condition.
B. Any such order shall be in writing and shall specify the manner in which the work is dangerous, unsafe, or a menace to life, health or property.
C. After receipt of such order, the permittee shall not continue with any street surface improvement or excavation until such work has been made to comply with the provisions of this chapter and the instructions given by the city engineer.
(Prior code § 12.04.280 (Ord. 487 § 27, 1960))
A. All work for which a street surface improvement or excavation permit has been issued shall be performed in accordance with the specifications, plans, and profiles referred to in the permit or, in the absence thereof, in accordance with the general requirements of this chapter. Such work shall be performed under the supervision of an inspector appointed by the city engineer, except when the work consists of patching sidewalk or curb, and the patch will not exceed ten linear feet of curb or twenty-five square feet of sidewalk.
B. When the construction or installation is ready for inspection, the permittee shall request an inspection by the city engineer and the city engineer shall make such inspection within a reasonable time after such request is made by the permittee.
C. The city engineer, in his discretion, may require any work which has been performed without an inspection to be torn out, and he may require the person responsible for the work to furnish laboratory tests or other evidence satisfactory to him that the specifications for the work have been met.
(Prior code § 12.04.240 (Ord. 487 § 23 1960))