12.08.020   Permit--Required.
   No person, firm, or corporation as principal agent, employee, or otherwise, except officers, agents, and employees of the city acting within the scope of their employment, shall excavate in any street, avenue, court, alley, place, sidewalk, or other highway in the city without first obtaining from the city engineer or his authorized representative a written permit so to do, and without first making the deposits and paying the fees as required in this chapter. This section shall not be applicable to excavations performed pursuant to contracts awarded therefor by the city.
(Prior code § 12.04.020 (Ord. 487 § 1, 1960))
12.08.030   Permit--Application.
   Every application for a street excavation permit shall be in writing upon forms to be provided by the city engineer and shall contain a statement of the location of the proposed excavation, its width, length, and depth, the purpose for which the proposed excavation is to be made, and the probable length of time it will remain open. The application shall be dated and shall bear the signature and address of the applicant.
(Prior code § 12.04.030 (Ord. 487 § 2, 1960))