No person shall make an excavation or install or maintain any pipe, conduit, tunnel, or other subsurface installation in or under the surface of any street or other public place at any location other than that described in the permit issued therefor, and the city engineer may require such surveys as may be deemed necessary to insure full compliance with this section.
(Prior code § 12.04.080 (Ord. 487 § 7, 1960))
The person to whom an excavation permit has been issued shall maintain the surface of the backfill safe for vehicular traffic and pedestrian travel until the pavement or surfacing has been replaced and accepted by the city engineer, and shall assume full responsibility for all accidents which may occur due to vehicles or pedestrians crossing the site of the excavation until the pavement or surfacing has been replaced. If it is impractical to maintain the surface of the backfill in a safe condition for traffic, then the permittee shall maintain barriers and red lights around it until the pavement or surfacing has been replaced.
(Prior code § 12.04.140 (Ord 487 § 13, 1960))
A. All excavations shall be backfilled in a manner satisfactory to the city engineer, who may require trenches to be settled either with water or by tamping, or both.
B. In the event an excavation is five feet or more in depth, the permittee shall cause a competent person to be placed at the site of the work, for the purpose of observing backfilling operations in those cases where the operator of a power unit engaging in such backfilling operations is unable to see into the excavation.
C. All excavations must be properly backfilled in a workmanlike manner. Backfilling operations shall be commenced as soon as possible, but only after an inspection by the city engineer and his approval has been obtained.
D. An excavation made for installation or repair of a service connection shall be completed within three days after the inspection of the connection by the city engineer.
E. In all public streets, or other public places, the surface over the trenches and to the side thereof shall, after being backfilled as specified in this section and after settlement has taken place, be finished by permittee in a workmanlike manner and in accordance with specifications to be furnished by the city engineer at the time the permit is issued.
F. In all easements, all buildings, fences, shrubbery, lawns, walks, driveways, and other improvements must be replaced or be reconstructed without delay in a workmanlike manner and fully equal to the original improvement.
(Prior code § 12.04.130 (Ord. 487 § 9, 1960))