Any property described in Section 9.12.020 may be posted against trespassing and loitering, in the following manner:
A. Any such property, if it is not enclosed within a fence and if it is of an area not exceeding one acre and if it has no lineal dimension exceeding one mile, by posting signs at each corner of the area so posted, and at each entrance thereto;
B. Any such property, if it is not enclosed within a fence, and if it is of an area exceeding one acre, or if it contains any lineal dimension exceeding one mile, by posting signs along or near the exterior boundaries of the area so posted at intervals of not more than six hundred feet, and also at each corner thereof and, if such property has a definite entrance or entrances thereto, at each such entrance;
C. Any such property, if it is enclosed within a fence and if it is of an area not exceeding one acre, and if it has no lineal dimension exceeding one mile, by posting signs at each corner of such fence and at each entrance thereto;
D. Any such property, if it is enclosed within a fence and if it is of an area exceeding one acre, or if it has any lineal dimensions exceeding one mile, by posting signs on or along the line of such fence at intervals of not more than six hundred feet, and also at each corner thereof and at each entrance thereto;
E. Any such property, if it consists of poles or towers or appurtenant structures for the suspension of wires or other conductors for conveying electricity or telegraphic or telephonic messages, by affixing a sign upon one or more sides of such poles or towers, but such posting shall render only the pole or tower or appurtenant structure posted property.
(Prior code § 9.48.030 (Ord. 229 § 3, 1940))
Every person is guilty of a misdemeanor who enters or remains upon any posted property without the written permission of the owner, tenant, or occupant in legal possession or control thereof. Every person who so enters or remains upon such posted property without such written permission is guilty of a separate offense for each day during any portion of which he enters or remains upon such posted property.
(Prior code § 9.48.040 (Ord. 229 § 4, 1940))
Every person is guilty of a misdemeanor who loiters in the immediate vicinity of any posted property. This section does not prohibit picketing or any lawful activity in the immediate vicinity of any posted property, or elsewhere, by which picketing or lawful activity the public is informed of the existence of an alleged labor dispute.
(Prior code § 9.48.060 (Ord. 229 § 6, 1940))
This chapter does not apply to any entry, in the course of duty, of any peace or police officer or other duly authorized public officer, nor does it apply to the lawful use of an established and existing right-of-way for public road purposes.
(Prior code § 9.48.070 (Ord. 229 § 7, 1940))
This chapter does not prohibit any lawful activity for the purpose of engaging in any organizational effort on behalf of any labor union, agent, or member thereof, or of any employee group or any member thereof employed or formerly employed in any place of business or manufacturing establishment described in this chapter or for the purpose of carrying on the lawful activities of labor unions or members thereof.
(Prior code § 9.48.080 (Ord. 229 § 8, 1940))
The penalty for violation of any provision of this chapter shall be as prescribed in Chapter 1.16.
(Ord. 586 § D (part), 1966: prior code § 9.48.090 (Ord. 220 § 9, 1940))