A. The intent and purpose of this chapter is to discourage the presence of spectators at illegal vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed in the city. The chapter targets a clear, limited population and gives proper notice to citizens as to what activities are lawful and what activities are unlawful. In discouraging spectators, the act of organizing and participating in illegal street races will be discouraged.
B. This chapter is not intended to preempt state law governing the regulation of speed contests or exhibitions of speed but rather compliment such laws by prohibiting spectators at illegal motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed events. (Ord. 2023-11-1545 § 16 (part), 2023)
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
A. “City” means the City of Signal Hill.
B. “Illegal motor vehicle speed contest(s) or illegal exhibition(s) of speed” means any speed contest or exhibition of speed referred to in Cal. Vehicle Code Sections 23109(a) and 21309(c).
C. “Motor vehicle” means a vehicle as defined in Vehicle Code Section 670.
D. “Preparations” means those preparations for the illegal motor vehicle speed contest or exhibition of speed, including, but not limited to, situations in which:
1. A group of vehicles or individuals has arrived at a location for the purpose of participating in or being spectators at the event;
2. A group of individuals has lined one or both sides of a public street or highway for the purpose of participating in or being a spectator at the events;
3. A group of individuals has gathered on private property open to the general public without the consent of the owner, operator, or agent thereof for the purpose of participating in or being a spectator at the event;
4. One or more individuals have impeded the free public use of a public street or highway by actions, words, or physical barriers for the purpose of conducting the event;
5. Two or more vehicles have lined up with motors running for an illegal motor vehicle speed contest or exhibition of speed;
6. One or more drivers is revving his or her engine or spinning his or her tires in preparation for the event; or
7. An individual is stationed at or near one or more motor vehicles serving as a race starter.
E. “Spectator” means any individual who is present at an illegal motor vehicle speed contest or exhibition of speed, or at a location where preparations are being made for such activities for the purpose of viewing, observing, watching, or witnessing the event as it progresses. The term "spectator" includes any individual at the location of the event without regard to whether the individual arrived at the event by driving a vehicle, riding as a passenger in a vehicle, walking, or arriving by some other means. (Ord. 2023-11-1545 § 16 (part), 2023)