Solid Waste Collection
917.01   Definitions.
917.02   Rates for residential solid waste collection.
917.03   Hauling of garbage and refuse; commercial pick-up.
917.04   Residential garbage, refuse and recycling containers.
917.05   Solid waste services.
917.06   Separate provisions for residential collection.
917.07   Scavenging.
917.99   Penalty.
      Collection and disposal of garbage - see Ohio R.C. 715.43, 717.01
      Disposal and transportation upon public ways - see Ohio R.C. 3767 et seq.
      Loads dropping or leaking - see TRAF. 339.06
      Deposit of garbage, rubbish - see GEN. OFF. 521.09
      Billing of water charges - see S. & P.S. 911.01(c)
      Payment of sewer rental charges - see S. & P.S. 915.09 
      Disposal of construction material - see BLDG. 1309.085