   As used in Section 101.1 of the International Building Code, and Section R101 of the International Residential Code, as adopted in Section 1421.01 above, "jurisdiction" means the corporate limits of the City and the unincorporated area two miles beyond and adjacent to the corporate boundaries.
(Ord. 1694. Passed 6-11-13; Ord. 1806. Passed 5-28-19.)
   (a)   The following sections of the International Building Code are hereby revised:
      Section 101.1 - Cite as City of Sidney.
      Section 1612. - Delete in its entirety.
   (b)   The following sections of the International Residential Code are hereby revised:
      Section R101.1 - Cite as City of Sidney.
      Section 301.2(1) - Cite as City of Sidney.
      Section P2603.5.1 insert [not less than] thirty-two (32) inches and [not less than] thirty-two (32) inches.
(Ord. 1806. Passed 5-28-19.)
1421.99 PENALTY.
   Whoever violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Title Two - Building Code, for which no penalty is otherwise provided, including the provisions of the International Codes adopted in Section 1421.01, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for a first offense, or three hundred dollars ($300.00) for any second or subsequent offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during which a violation or noncompliance occurs or continues.
(Ord. 1034. Passed 4-10-84; Ord. 1505. Passed 3-11-03; Ord. 1694. Passed 6-11-13; Ord. 1806. Passed 5-28-19.)