1228.01 General requirements.
1228.02 Agreement to construct improvements.
1228.03 Payment of cost of constructing water and sewer mains.
1228.04 Marking of block, subdivision and street boundaries.
1228.05 Streets and alleys.
1228.06 Sidewalks.
1228.07 Grading.
1228.08 Water supply systems.
1228.09 Sanitary sewerage systems.
1228.10 Drainage systems.
1228.11 Planned unit developments.
1228.12 Floodway districts. (Repealed)
Suburban Development Act - see R.S.N. Secs. 16-1092 et seq.
Subdivisions - see R.S.N. Sec. 18-1306
City planning and zoning - see R.S.N. Secs. I9-901 et seq.
Subdivisions, etc., approved - see ADM. 206.03
Lots - see P. & Z. 1226.02
Public space - see P. & Z. 1226.05
Blocks - see P. & Z. 1226.06
Utility easements - see P. & Z. 1226.07
The requirements for improvements set forth in Sections 1228.04 through 1228.10 shall apply to every subdivision hereafter platted that is within or is proposed to be annexed to the corporate limits of the City, and to every existing street or alley of the City that abuts such subdivision. Section 1228.04 shall also apply to subdivisions hereafter platted that are within two miles of, but are not proposed to be annexed to, the corporate limits of the City. Such subdivisions shall be so laid out and platted that if they are subsequently annexed to the City, the improvements referred to in Sections 1228.05 through 1228.10 may be constructed in the subdivision in accordance with the requirements of such sections. Such improvements shall be constructed by the person proposing the subdivision at his or her own expense, except as otherwise provided in Section 1228.02. Construction shall not be commenced until after plans and specifications, and contracts, if any, therefor, have been approved by the City Manager, and shall be completed in accordance with such plans, specifications and contracts. However, anything in the provisions of this section to the contrary notwithstanding, the requirements of this section are subject to Sections 1228.02, 1228.03 and 1228.11.
(Ord. 1118.Passed 3-22-88.)
Prior to approval by Council of any final plat of a subdivision in which some or all of the improvements required in Section 1228.01 have not been constructed, the owner of the property in such subdivision shall enter into a written agreement with the City, which shall be approved by Council as herein provided, and shall deposit with the Clerk- Treasurer an amount equal to the fee of the County Clerk for recording the agreement. Such agreement shall make provision for the following:
(a) The owner of the property shall agree to construct such improvements within the time specified in the agreement and to compensate the City for the cost to inspect the construction of such improvements. The subdivides shall deposit with the City a performance and payment bond, an irrevocable letter of credit, cash and/or other acceptable collateral, which is sufficient, in the judgment of Council, to ensure financial capability for the completion of the improvements required under Section 1228.01. Such assurance shall be supplied at the time the final plat is accepted and shall be 1.25 times the cost to complete such improvements, as estimated and/or approved by the City Manager.
As improvements are completed and "as built drawings" are submitted, the subdivides may apply to the City for a release of part or all of the collateral deposited with the City. Upon inspection and approval of such improvements, the City shall release such collateral. If the City determines that any of such improvements is not constructed in substantial compliance with the specifications, the City shall furnish the subdivides a list of specific deficiencies and shall be entitled to withhold collateral sufficient to ensure substantial compliance. If the City determines that the subdivides has not constructed any or all of the improvements in a timely manner and in accordance with all of the specifications, the City may withdraw and use from the deposit of collateral such funds as may be necessary to construct the improvement or improvements in accordance with the specifications.
(b) As an alternative or as a supplemental method to the property owner constructing all of such improvements at his or her expense as provided in subsection (a) hereof, if Council is satisfied that substantial development shall commence within the subdivision within eighteen months after Council's approval of the final plat of the subdivision, so that it is not likely that the City will ultimately have to bear a substantial amount of the costs of the improvements, then the agreement may provide that the property owners, which are defined as all owners of private property in the proposed district or districts, shall, concurrently with Council approval of the final plat of the subdivision, file a petition in writing to the Mayor and Council to create a proposed improvement district or districts. The boundaries of such proposed district or districts must be approved by the City Manager, and such district or districts must be authorized by statute to make one or more of the required improvements in the subdivision without cost to the City, and to assess the entire cost of any such improvement against the private property within the improvement district.
(c) As an alternative or as a supplemental method to the property owner constructing all of such improvements on an existing unimproved street or part thereof adjoining a new subdivision, the owner shall waive, with respect to the construction and special assessments referred to in subsection (b) hereof, the provision of any statute to the effect that a protest filed with Council or the City Clerk by the owner or owners of property in a proposed improvement district will bar the formation of the district by Council.
(d) The owner shall agree that the agreement shall bind such owner, as well as his, her or its personal representatives, heirs, devisees, legatees, successors and assigns. Such agreement shall bear an acknowledgement by the owner, be in a form recordable in the office of the County Clerk and otherwise be in such form as the City Manager prescribes. Approval of the agreement by Council, if granted, shall be specifically shown in the minutes of the meeting of Council. Upon approval of the agreement and the final plat by Council, the Clerk-Treasurer shall cause the agreement to be filed for record with the County Clerk, such filing to be made either prior to or forthwith after the filing of the plat with the County Clerk.
(Ord. 1223. Passed 8-11-92.)
Part of the cost of constructing an oversize main may be paid by the City. The cost of constructing water mains or sewer mains which is to be paid initially by the City, whether or not specially assessed to benefited property, shall be paid only in warrants as provided in Section 16-671 R.R.S. 1943, unless Council otherwise directs.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
An iron rod not less than three-fourths of an inch in diameter and thirty-six inches in length shall be set at all block corners, all points at which street lines intersect the outer boundaries of the subdivision and all angle points and points of curve in each street. All other lot corners shall be marked with an iron rod not less than five-eighths of an inch in diameter and eighteen inches in length. The tops of all iron rods shall be set flush with the finished grade.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)