   A proposed subdivision shall comply in all respects with the requirements of these Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Code that are applicable to the area.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
1226.02 LOTS.
   (a)   Street Frontage; Dedications. Every lot in a subdivision shall abut upon a street that has been dedicated to public use. Lots that abut upon an arterial street may be required by Council to front upon a marginal access street. No private street shall be platted. Council may require the platting and dedication to public use of streets or alleys in a proposed subdivision to provide access to and from lands, whether platted or unplatted, adjoining or adjacent to such subdivision.
   (b)   Street Frontage; Lot Lines. Each lot shall front upon a public street. Inside lot lines, insofar as practical, shall be perpendicular to a straight street line or radial to a curved street line.
   (c)   Dimensions; Sewage; Parking. A residential lot served by a public sewer shall be not less than sixty feet in width at the building lines, 100 feet in depth and 7,000 square feet in area. A residential lot not served by a public sewer shall be not less than 100 feet in width at the building set-back lines, 150 feet in depth, and, in any event, 20,000 square feet in area. All types of lots not served by a public sewer shall contain an area adequate for an approved type of septic tank and disposal field. A lot proposed to be used for business, commercial or industrial purposes shall be of a size and dimension that will permit the development of off-street service and parking facilities appropriate to the use contemplated. However, the dimensions and area of a lot shall not be less than are necessary in order to comply with the requirements of these Subdivision Regulations that are applicable to such lot.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85; Ord. 1720. Passed 2-11-14.)
   Existing arterial and collector streets outside a proposed subdivision that end at a boundary line of such subdivision shall be extended through such subdivision.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
   (a)   Width. The width of the right of way for streets and alleys in a subdivision, if shown on a Master Street Plan adopted by Council, shall not be less than that shown on such Plan. If the width of the right of way is not shown on such Plan, the width shall not be less than the following:
   Street Type             Width (ft.)
   Arterial               80 to 150, as required by Council
   Collector               60
   Marginal access            45
   Minor                  45
   Alley                  16
   Four-foot easements adjacent to the street right of way are required on minor streets in blocks which have alleys. If the width of an existing arterial or collector street that is to be extended through the subdivision exceeds the required minimum width, the width of the extended part shall be not less than the greater of the two widths. If the proposed subdivision abuts upon an existing street, the right of way of which is not as wide as is required herein, the owner shall dedicate to the public use as a street an adjoining strip of land of such width that the street, thus widened, will comply with this subsection. Council may approve a street of a lesser width if it finds that topographical conditions or other physical conditions render impractical the construction of a street of the width required by this subsection.
   (b)   Intersection Jogs; Centerline Curvature. No street jog at an intersection shall have a centerline offset of less than 125 feet. If there occurs a deflection angle of more than ten degrees in the alignment of a street at a place other than an intersection, a curve of reasonably long radius shall be provided. On a street of sixty or more feet in width, the radius of curvature of the centerline shall be not less than 300 feet. On other streets, such radius shall be not less than 100 feet. A tangent of not less than 100 feet in length shall be provided between reverse curves on arterial and collector streets.
   (c)   Angle of Intersection; Curb Line Radius. An intersection of streets shall be as nearly as practical at an angle of ninety degrees and in no event less than sixty degrees. The radius of the curb line at a street intersection shall be not less than twenty feet in length. If the angle of the intersection is less than seventy-five degrees, the City may require a longer radius. Lot lines shall be rounded or otherwise set back sufficiently to enable sidewalks of normal width to be constructed.
   (d)   Grades. Grades on arterial and collector streets shall not exceed seven percent, or, on other streets, ten percent. Changes in grade on arterial or collector streets shall be connected by vertical curves of a length in feet of not less than fifteen times the algebraic difference in rates of grade, and, on other streets, not less than one-half of such length.
   (e)   Terminal; Turnarounds. Minor terminal streets or courts designed to have one end permanently closed shall not exceed 400 feet in length. The closed end shall have a turn-around with a diameter of the right of way of not less than 100 feet and with an outside diameter of the roadway of not less than eighty feet. Where the closed end of a proposed street will abut upon unplatted land, such end shall have a temporary turn-around with an outside diameter of the roadway of not less than eighty feet.
   (f)   Naming. A proposed street that is substantially in alignment with an existing named street shall bear the name of the existing street. However, no street shall bear the name of any existing street that has been dedicated to public use. This prohibition shall apply to the substitution of the word street, avenue, boulevard, drive, place or court or of a like word, for a word contained in the name of an existing street.
   (g)   Location of Alleys. An alley should be provided for every lot used or proposed to" be used for business purposes. If an alley is not provided, then a twelve-foot easement is required adjacent to the street right-of-way line on a minor street.
   (h)   Conformity to Master Plan. As to all matters not specified by these Subdivision Regulations, all streets and alleys shall conform to any Master Street Plan that Council may adopt.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)