An iron rod not less than three-fourths of an inch in diameter and thirty-six inches in length shall be set at all block corners, all points at which street lines intersect the outer boundaries of the subdivision and all angle points and points of curve in each street. All other lot corners shall be marked with an iron rod not less than five-eighths of an inch in diameter and eighteen inches in length. The tops of all iron rods shall be set flush with the finished grade.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
(a) Conformity Required. Sections 1228.05 and 1228.06 shall apply to all streets and alleys and parts thereof within a subdivision, whether completed at the time of the platting of the subdivision or constructed thereafter. If an existing street or a part thereof lies outside of the subdivision but such street adjoins the subdivision, the part of such street between the centerline and the right-of-way line that constitutes the boundary line of, or lies within, the subdivision, shall also be made to conform to Sections 1228.05 and 1228.06.
(b) Grading; Obstructions; Fill. The right of way of every street and alley shall be graded to its full width. Prior to the commencement of grading, the entire right-of-way area shall be cleared of all stumps, roots, brush and other objectionable materials and all trees not intended for preservation. Stumps, boulders and other obstructions shall be removed to a depth of not less than two feet below the subgrade. Rocks other than boulders, when encountered, shall be scarified to a depth of not less than twelve inches below the subgrade. Suitable material from street or alley cuts may be used in the construction of fills, approaches or other places as needed. Excess materials, such as soft clay and organic materials, shall be removed from the site. Fill shall be spread in layers not to exceed twenty inches in depth when loose and shall be compacted by a sheep's foot or rubber-tired roller. However, utility trenches and other locations not accessible to a roller shall be mechanically tamped. Where water is used to assist compaction, the water content shall not exceed optimum moisture.
(c) Subgrade; Paving Stops. Upon completion of the subgrade, the roadbed of every street and alley shall be improved, at a minimum, with the following material:
Street Type Material
Arterial As required by Council
Collector Six-inch concrete or six-inch asphaltic concrete base with one-inch asphaltic concrete wearing surface
Other Five-inch concrete or five-inch asphaltic concrete base with one-inch asphaltic concrete wearing surface
(d) Width. Every street and alley shall be improved as provided in subsection (c) hereof to a minimum width as follows
Street Type Width (ft.)
Arterial As required by Council
Collector 40
Local 33
Marginal access 33
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
(a) Base Surveys. Every grade fixed upon any street, alley, sidewalk or gutter or for any other purpose within the City, or within its subdivision or zoning jurisdiction outside the corporate limits, shall be fixed and established with relation to U.S.G.S. elevation.
(b) Plans. All plans establishing a grade plan shall refer to and include a permanent bench mark extended from U.S.G.S. elevation.
(c) Curb Grades. Curb grades shall be determined from the grades contained in the approved preliminary plat, approved street construction plans or as - built street construction plans, whichever is the most recent.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
A water supply system, including mains, valves, hydrants and other necessary appurtenances, shall be constructed. The types and sizes of water mains, the locations and types of valves and hydrants, the depth of soil cover over pipes and, all other construction features shall conform to the standards and specifications set forth in the current edition of the following codes of the American Water Works Association:
(a) Standard Specifications for Cast-Iron Pressure Fittings;
(b) American Standards Specifications for Cement-Mortar Lining for Cast Iron Pipe and Fittings;
(c) American Standard Specifications for Short-Body Cast Iron Fittings, 3 Inch to 12 Inch, for 250-psi Water Pressure Plus Water Hammer;
(d) American Standard Specifications for a Mechanical Joint for Cast Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings;
(e) Standard Specifications for Gate Valves for Ordinary Water Works Service;
(f) Standard Specifications for Fire Hydrants for Ordinary Water Works Service;
(g) Standard Specifications for Uniform Marking of Fire Hydrants;
(h) Tentative Standard Specifications for Installation of Cast-Iron Water Mains; and
(i) A Standard Procedure for Disinfecting Water Mains.
Water supply systems shall also conform to the standards and specifications of the National Board of Fire Underwriters set forth in the Standard Schedule for Grading Cities and Towns of the United States with Reference to their Fire Defenses and Physical Conditions.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
A sanitary sewerage system, adequate to serve each of the lots in a subdivision, shall be constructed and connected to the sanitary sewerage system of the City. The sewer mains and laterals shall comply as to type and size with such requirements, in conformity with good engineering practice, as the City Manager prescribes. However, sewer mains and laterals shall not be less than eight inches in diameter (inside measurement).
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)