Editor's note:
   The Charter of the City of Shelby became effective on January 1, 1923. Dates appearing in parentheses following a section heading in the Table of Contents, and following a section in the text, indicate that the section was enacted or amended on the date given.
The Charter of the City of Shelby, Ohio
   1, 2   Powers of the city
   3   The elective officers of the city (1-1-1944; 11-5-2002)
   4 to 22   The council (11-5-2002; 11-8-2011; 11-5-2024)
   23   Administrative powers of the city
   24 to 30   The Mayor (11-5-1996; 11-5-2002; 5-3-2011; 11-5-2024)
   31 to 35   Director of Law (11-5-1996; 11-5-2024)
   36 to 38   Director of Finance and Public Record (11-5-1996; 11-5-2024)
   39   Accounting procedure
   40, 41   Accounts
   42   Payment of claims
   43 to 45   Treasurer
   46   Contracts certified
   47   Contracts, when void
   48, 49   Establishment of a Police Court and the appointment of a Police Judge (11-7-2000)
   50   Public welfare and health
   51   Sinking Fund
   52   Civil Service Commission (11-3-2015)
Nomination and Election of Officers
   53, 53A   Nomination by primary election (1-1-1944; 11-8-1994)
   54   Nomination by petition
   55   Regular elections (11-8-1994)
   56   Special elections
   57 to 66   The recall
   67 to 71   The initiative
   72 to 75   The referendum
Improvements and Assessments
   76   Local improvements
   77   Methods of special assessment
   78   Preliminary assessments (5-2-2006)
   79   Notices served
   80   Plans of proposed improvements
   81   Board of Revision of Assessments
   82   Claims
   83   Final assessment
   84   Damages assessed
   85   Work to be done
   86   Lands unallotted or not on duplicate
   87   Interest on assessment bonds
   88   Limitation on assessments
   89   City's portion of cost
   90   Replacing existing improvements
   91   Subsequent improvements
   92   Supplementary assessments and rebates
   93   Sewer and water connections
   94   Sidewalks
   95   Further proceedings unnecessary
   96   Assessment bonds
   97   Alterations or modifications in contract (11-5-2002)
   98   Plat of subdivision
   99   Fee shall vest in city
   100   Planning Commissioners (1-1-1964)
   101   Effect of such platting
   102   Streets and public grounds
   103   Alteration of streets
   104   Dedication of streets
   105   Vacation or change of name
   106   Taxation
Appropriation of Property
   107   Appropriation
   108   Declaratory resolution
   109   Notice
   110   Further proceedings
   111   Grant
    112,113   Renewals
   114   No exclusive grant
   115   Consents
   116   Regulations
General Provisions
   117   Official bonds
   118,119   Continuance of present officers
   120   Oath of office
   121   Interest in contract or supplies
   122   Continuance of contracts
   123   Amendments (6-9-1981)
   124   When Charter takes effect
The Charter of the City of Shelby, Ohio.
   We, the people of the City of Shelby, in order that we may have the benefits of municipal home rule and exercise all the powers of local self government, do frame and adopt this charter for the government of the aforesaid City of Shelby.
Powers of the City.
   Section 1.   The inhabitants of the city of Shelby, as its limits now are, or hereafter may be, shall be a body politic and corporate by name The City of Shelby, and as such shall have perpetual succession; shall succeed to all the rights and liabilities, shall acquire all benefits and shall assume and pay all bonds, obligations and indebtedness of said Village of Shelby; may use a corporate seal; may sue and be sued; may acquire property in fee simple or lesser interest or estate by purchase, gift, devise, appropriation, lease or lease with privilege to purchase, for any municipal purpose; may purchase options on property for any municipal purpose; may sell, convey, lease, hold, manage and control such property; and may make any and all rules and regulations by ordinance or resolution which may be required to carry out fully all the provisions of any conveyance, deed or will, in relation to any gift or bequest, or the provision of any lease by which it may acquire property; may acquire, construct, own, lease, operate and regulate public utilities; may provide for and maintain public entertainments and amusements; may assess, levy and collect taxes for general and special purposes on all the subjects or objects which the city may lawfully tax; may borrow money on the faith and credit of the city by the issue or sale of bonds, certificates of indebtedness or notes of the city; may appropriate the money of the city for all lawful purposes; may create, provide for, construct, regulate and maintain all things of the nature of public works and improvements; may levy and collect assessments for local improvements; may license vehicles; may license and regulate the business, occupation, profession or trade of all persons, corporations and associations engaged therein, whether local or transient; may define, prohibit, abate, suppress and prevent all things detrimental to the health, morals, comfort, safety, convenience and welfare of the inhabitants of the city, and all nuisances and causes thereof; may regulate the construction and height of, and the material used in, all buildings, and the maintenance and occupancy thereof; may regulate and control the use, for whatever purpose, of the streets and other public places; may create, establish, abolish and organize offices and fix the salaries and compensation of all officers and employees; may make and enforce local police, sanitary and other regulations; and may pass such ordinances as may be expedient for maintaining and promoting the peace, good government and welfare of the city, and for the performance of the functions thereof. The city shall have all powers that are now, or hereafter may be granted to municipalities by the constitution or laws of Ohio; and all such powers, whether express or implied, shall be exercised and enforced in the manner prescribed by this charter, or when not prescribed herein, in such manner as shall be provided by ordinance or resolution of the council.
   Section 2.   The enumeration of particular powers by this charter shall not be held or deemed to be exclusive, but, in addition to the powers enumerated herein, implied thereby or appropriate to the exercise thereof, the city shall have and may exercise all other powers which, under the constitution and laws of Ohio, it would be competent for this charter specifically to enumerate.
The Elective Officers of the City.
   Section 3.   The mayor, one councilmember, the director of law and the director of finance and public record shall be elected at large. One councilmember shall be elected from each of the four wards to be voted for by the electors of the ward from which each councilmember is elected, and the councilmember at large shall be vice-president of the council.
(Amended 1-1-1944; 11-5-2002)