Director of Law.
   Section 31.   The director of law shall be an attorney-at-law admitted to practice in the State of Ohio. The Director of Law shall be elected for a term of four years (a two-year term commencing in 1998, and a four- year term commencing with the year 2000), assume office on the first day of January, following their election, and serve until a successor is elected and qualified. The Director of Law shall be the legal adviser of and attorney and counsel for the city, and for all officers and departments thereof in matters relating to their official duties. The Director shall prepare all contracts, bonds and other instruments in writing in which the city is concerned and shall endorse on each the Director’s approval of the form and correctness thereof.
(Amended 11-5-1996; 11-5-2024)
   Section 32.   The director of law shall be the prosecuting attorney of the police court.* He may designate such manner of assistant prosecutors as the council by ordinance may authorize. He shall prosecute all cases brought before such court and perform the same duties so far as they are applicable thereto, as are required of the prosecuting attorney of the county.
   *No longer in existence-Ed.
   Section 33.   When required to do so by resolution of the council, the director of law shall prosecute or defend for and in behalf of the city, all complaints, suits and controversies in which the city is a party, and such other suits, matters and controversies as he shall by resolution or ordinance, be directed to prosecute or defend.
   Section 34.   In addition to the duties imposed upon the director of law by this charter or required of him by ordinance in accordance therewith, he shall perform the duties which are imposed upon city solicitors by the general laws of the State, beyond the competence of this charter to alter or require.
   Section 35.   The salary of the director of law shall be fixed by the council and it shall not be increased or diminished during the term for which he was chosen, nor at any other time except in an odd-numbered year. The salary of the director of law first elected under this charter shall be fixed by the outgoing council, and be not more than $1200.00 nor less than $1000.00 per year.