C2 General Commercial District
C2 General Commercial District
1232.01 Purpose.
1232.02 Permitted uses.
1232.03 Conditional uses.
1232.04 Accessory uses and structures.
1232.05 Minimum lot area.
1232.06 Minimum area per dwelling unit.
1232.07 Minimum lot width.
1232.08 Minimum yard requirements.
1232.09 Minimum landscaped area.
1232.10 Maximum height.
1232.11 Maximum lot coverage.
1232.12 Location of accessory uses and structures in required yards.
1232.13 Allowable encroachments and distance.
1232.14 Site plan review.
Sign regulations in commercial districts - see P. & Z. 1250.07
Off-street parking in commercial districts - see P. & Z. Table 1251.02
Landscape buffering and screening regulations - see P. & Z. 1253.09
Temporary uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1261
Accessory uses and structures - see P. & Z. Ch. 1262
Permitted outdoor business activities - see P. & Z. 1260.02
1232.01 PURPOSE.
The purpose of this district to maintain and promote a mix of commercial uses which provide goods and services for the City as a whole and for the convenience of residents of the surrounding neighborhood. This district also accommodates limited multiple-family housing when combined with commercial uses on the ground floor. The development standards and range of allowable uses in this district are designed to maintain a pedestrian oriented environment.