A.    Front Yard. Each principal building shall have a front yard setback from the public right-of-way no less in depth than the setback line for its lot as shown on the zoning map. However, no front yard setback shall be less than one-half (1/2) of the height of the principal building. Any lot in the C2 District shall have, at its setback line as described above, either the principal building or an architectural element, pursuant to Section 1232.14.B, Architectural Element at Setback Line.
   B.    Side Yards.
      1.    General Requirements. Each side yard shall be no less than one-third (1/3) the height of the principal building however, no side yard shall be less than five (5) feet, except as otherwise provided below.
      2.    Corner Lots. On a corner lot, the exterior side yard shall be no less than the required setback as shown on the zoning map.
      3.    Transitions With Residential Districts. Side yards abutting any residential district shall be no less than twenty (20) feet. In addition to this increased setback, a landscaped buffer of at least ten (10) feet shall also be provided and shall include a solid brick wall of at least six (6) feet in height, pursuant to Section 1253.09.B, Buffers for Commercial Uses.
      4.    Side Yard Exceptions. Where side yards abut the side yards of other commercially zoned lots, the Board of Zoning Appeals may waive the requirement for a minimum side yard setback.
   C.    Rear Yard.
       1.    General Requirements. The rear yard shall be no less than twenty (20) feet.
      2.    Transitions with Residential Districts. Rear yards abutting any residential district shall be no less than forty (40) feet. In addition to this increased setback, a landscaped buffer of at least twenty (20) feet shall also be provided and shall include a solid brick wall of at least six (6) feet in height, pursuant to Section 1253.09.B, Buffers for Commercial Uses.