Streets and Ways
95.01 Creation of streets and ways
95.02 Streets generally
95.03 Streets and pedestrian ways
95.04 Definitions
95.05 Annual street maintenance
95.06 Excavation of new streets prohibited
Design Standards
95.15 Applicability
95.16 Types of design standards
Street Access and Circulation
95.30 Intent
95.31 Vehicular access and circulation
95.32 Pedestrian access and circulation
95.33 Design and construction
Vehicle and Bicycle Parking
95.45 Vehicle parking location and shared parking
95.46 Vehicle parking stall standard dimensions and compact car parking
95.47 Disabled persons vehicle parking spaces
95.48 Bicycle parking requirements
Public Facilities
95.60 Purpose and applicability
95.61 Transportation standards
95.62 Storm drainage
95.63 Utilities
95.64 Easements
95.65 Construction plan approval and assurances
95.66 Installation
Street Maintenance, Repair or Improvement
95.75 Maintenance, repair or improvement
95.76 Pot holes