(A)   Vehicle/pathway separation. Where pathways are parallel and adjacent to a driveway or street (public or private), they shall be raised six inches and curbed, or separated from the driveway/street by a five-foot minimum strip with bollards, a landscape berm or other physical barrier. If a raised path is used, the ends of the raised portions must be equipped with curb ramps.
   (B)   Housing/pathway separation. Pedestrian pathways shall be separated a minimum of five feet from all residential living areas on the ground-floor, except at building entrances. Separation is measured from the pathway edge to the closest dwelling unit. The separation area shall be landscaped in conformance with city standards. No pathway/building separation is required for commercial, industrial, public or institutional uses.
   (C)   Crosswalks. Where pathways cross a parking area, driveway or street ("crosswalk"), they shall be clearly marked with contrasting paving materials, humps/raised crossings or painted striping. An example of contrasting paving material is the use of a concrete crosswalk through an asphalt driveway. If painted striping is used, it shall consist of therm-o-plastic striping or similar type of durable application.
   (D)   Pathway surface. Pathway surfaces shall be concrete, asphalt, brick/masonry pavers or other durable surface, at least six feet wide, and shall conform to ADA (American with Disabilities Act) requirements. Multi-use paths shall be the same materials, at least ten feet wide.
   (E)   Accessible routes. Pathways shall comply with ADA which requires accessible routes of travel.