(A)   (1)   The purpose of this section is to provide planning and design standards for public and private transportation facilities and utilities. Streets are the most common public spaces, touching virtually every parcel of land. Therefore, one of the primary purposes of this section is to provide standards for attractive and safe streets that can accommodate vehicle traffic from planned growth, and provide a range of transportation options, including options for driving, walking and bicycling.
      (2)   The city requires that streets provide direct and convenient access, including regular intersections.
   (B)   Unless otherwise provided, the standard specifications for construction, reconstruction or repair of transportation facilities, utilities and other public improvements within the city shall occur in accordance with the standards of this section. No development may occur unless the public facilities related to development comply with the public facility requirements established in this section.
   (C)   The city shall establish standard construction specifications consistent with the design standards of this section and application of engineering principles. They are incorporated in this chapter by reference.
   (D)   No development may occur unless required public facilities are in place or guaranteed, in conformance with the provisions of this chapter. Improvements required as a condition of development approval, when not voluntarily accepted by the applicant, shall be roughly proportional to the impact of development. Findings in the development approval shall indicate how the required improvements are roughly proportional to the impact.
(Ord. 223, passed 11-18-2004) Penalty, see § 10.99