(A)   All streets, alleys, and shared private drives serving more than one tax lot shall be:
      (1)   Cut to the grade and cross-section design approved by the City Engineer, having due regard to drainage, the grade of adjoining streets and properties, making allowance for required base and paving material;
      (2)   Improved by the placing of an adequate rock base of sufficient depth on the portion designed for vehicular traffic; and
      (3)   Paved with a minimum of three inches of asphalt concrete.
   (B)   Where the Planning Commission determines that the public interest requires it, the Planning Commission may require asphalt surfacing of all or any part of any street or alley, whether or not the same is already required.
   (C)   All street improvements shall be constructed to city standards for permanent street and alley construction. Catch basins shall be installed and connected to drainage leading to storm sewers or drainage ways as approved by the City Engineer. Upon completion of the street improvement, monuments shall be reestablished.
   (D)   The Planning Commission may approve street improvements alternate to the standards found in Table 6.B.1 when deemed appropriate.
(Ord. 223, passed 11-18-2004; Ord. 294, passed 2-20-2020)