The following general provisions should be observed by all spray operators:
   A.   The operator should be familiar with insecticides, fumicides and any other spray material used by him. (2000 Code § 9-504)
   B.   All spray equipment previously used to spray hormone type weed killers must be plainly marked with a paint brand as such, and will not be used to spray insecticides or fungicides. (2000 Code § 9-504; amd. Ord. 1073, 3-11-2008, eff. 4-10-2008)
   C.   All sprayers other than hand sprayers must have power driven agitators.
   D.   No spraying will be done at a temperature of less than forty degrees Fahrenheit (40°F).
   E.   Spray equipment must be kept clean and in good working order. Such equipment is subject to inspection at random and samples of spray material taken for analysis by the qualified representative of the city.
   F.   No spraying will be done when there is sufficient wind to make spray ineffectual or create a hazard in its drift.
   G.   Spraying technique should be adapted to the power and capacity by spraying machine used. Work shall be done within the safe limits of capacity and power without jeopardizing a spray person working off of a ladder or climbing around in a tree saturated with spray solution. A sprayer that has insufficient power to properly spray the top of the tree from the ground shall not be used for such operation.
   H.   All rules and regulations made by the state board of agriculture regulating and governing the use and application of all insecticides, herbicides and fungicides are made a part of this chapter and shall be strictly complied with. (2000 Code § 9-504)