51.01 Definitions
51.02 Use of system
51.03 Connection required
51.04 Charges
51.05 Surcharge rates
Installation and Connections
51.20 Definitions
51.21 Use of public sewers required
51.22 Public sewage disposal
51.23 Building sewers and connections
51.24 Contractors to be licensed
51.25 Use of the public sewers
51.26 Protection from damage
51.27 Powers and authority of Inspectors
51.28 Conditions of service
51.29 Sewer disconnections
51.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CHARGES FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICES or CHARGES. The amount charged to each premises in the village connected to the system for sewage disposal services, including a debt service factor.
COUNCIL. The Village Council of the Village of Sebewaing, the legislative and governing body thereof.
COUNTY. The County of Huron, State of Michigan.
PREMISES. The lands included within the boundaries of a single description, as set forth from time to time on the general tax rolls of the village, as a single taxable item in the name of a taxpayer or taxpayers at one address, but in the case of platted lots, shall be limited to a single platted lot, unless an existing building or structure is so located on more than one lot as to make the same a single description for purposes of assessment or conveyance, now or hereafter.
SEWAGE DISPOSAL DISTRICT or DISTRICT. The village sewage disposal district, as described in the resolution of the County Board of Commissioners, adopted April 14, 1970, or any amendments thereto.
SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICES. The collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of sanitary sewage emanating from premises now or hereafter connected, directly or indirectly, to the sewage disposal system.
SEWER DISPOSAL SYSTEM. The village sewage disposal system established and to be constructed by the county under contract with the village dated July 1, 1971, and leased to the village, and all extensions, enlargements and improvements thereto.
SURCHARGE RATES. The rates and charges applied to wastewater whose parameters exceed the limits established in § 51.25(D) of this chapter.
SYSTEM. The sewage disposal system as now or hereafter established and constructed by the county and leased to the village to serve the residents of the village.
UNIT or UNITS. Related to the quantity of sanitary sewage ordinarily arising from the occupancy of a residence building by a single family of ordinary size, and shall from time to time be defined by the village and assigned to premises in the district.
VILLAGE. The Village of Sebewaing, State of Michigan.
(1988 Code, § 2.2700) (Ord. passed 7-6-1970; Ord. passed 12-15-1975; Ord. passed 7-19-1976; Ord. passed 4-3-1978; Ord. passed 10-19-1987; Ord. passed 1-18-1988; Ord. passed - -)
The system shall be used for the collection and transportation of sanitary sewage only. Downspouts, footing drains, weep tile or any conduit that storm water or ground water alone, or in combination with sanitary sewage, shall not be connected to the system, directly or indirectly. Industrial and commercial waste shall be discharged into the system only in compliance with the village ordinance.
(1988 Code, § 2.2701) (Ord. passed 7-6-1970; Ord. passed 12-15-1975; Ord. passed 7-19-1976; Ord. passed 4-3-1978; Ord. passed 10-19-1987; Ord. passed 1-18-1988; Ord. passed 10-1-2018)
Premises within the village on which are now or hereafter located any buildings or structures for which direct connection to the system is available shall not be used or occupied by persons, firms or corporations for any purpose after the effective date hereof, unless the premises are connected to the sewage disposal system, provided that premises within the village so improved and used or occupied on the effective date hereof shall be connected to the system within 12 months after completion of the system.
(1988 Code, § 2.2702) (Ord. passed 7-6-1970; Ord. passed 12-15-1975; Ord. passed 7-19-1976; Ord. passed 4-3-1978; Ord. passed 10-19-1987; Ord. passed 1-18-1988)