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   Certain sections of the Planning Code in Articles other than this Article also apply to Mixed Use Districts. Such sections and their titles are listed below. The following listing is set forth for convenience; in the event of any omission of a provision, that provision shall nevertheless still apply.
General Provisions
Section 101
Section 101.1
General Plan Consistency and Implementation
Section 109
Section 102
Zoning Map
Section 105
Zoning Map
Section 106
Zoning Map Incorporated Herein
Building Standards
Section 121
Minimum Lot Width
Section 122
Height and Bulk
Section 124
Basic Floor Area Ratio
Section 128
Transfer of Development Rights in C-3 Districts
Section 130
Yard and Setback Requirements
Section 131
Legislated Setback Line
Section 134
Rear Yard Requirements
Sections 135-135.3
Usable Open Space
Section 136
Obstructions Over Streets and Alleys and in Required Setbacks, Yards, and Usable Open Spaces
Section 136.1
Awnings, Canopies and Marquees
Section 138.1
Streetscape and Pedestrian Improvements
Section 140
All Dwelling Units in All Zoning Districts to Face on an Open Space
Section 141
Screening of Rooftop Features
Section 142
Screening and Greening of Parking and Vehicle Use Areas
Section 145.1
Street Frontages in Neighborhood Commercial, Residential-Commercial, Commercial, and Mixed Use Districts
Section 147
Reduction of Shadows on Certain Public Open Spaces
Section 250
Height and Bulk Districts Established
Section 251
Height and Bulk Districts- Purpose
Section 252
Classes of Height and Bulk Districts
Section 253
Review of Buildings Exceeding 40 Feet in R Districts
Section 260
Height Limits- Method of Measurement
Section 262
Additional Height Limits- Applicable to Signs
Section 263
Height Limits: Special Exceptions
Section 270
Bulk Limits- Measurement
Section 271
Bulk Limits-Special Exceptions
Section 295
Height Restrictions on Structures Shadowing Property Under the Jurisdiction of the Recreation and Park Commission
Section 150
Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 151.1
Schedule of Permitted Off-Street Parking Spaces in Specified Districts
Section 152
Schedule of Required Off-Street Freight Loading Spaces
Section 153
Rules for Calculation of Required Spaces
Section 154
Minimum Dimensions for Required Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces
Section 155
General Standards as to Location and Arrangement of Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces
Sections 155.1 to 155.5
Bicycle Parking Requirements
Section 156
Parking Lots
Section 159
Required Off-Street Parking Not on the Same Lot as Structure or Use Served
Section 160
Collective Provision and Joint Use of Required Off-Street Parking
Section 161
Exemptions from Off-Street Parking, Freight Loading
Section 163
Transportation Management Programs
Sections 602et seq.
Section 603
Section 604
Permits and Conformity
Section 606
Residential Districts
Section 607.2
Mixed Use Districts
Sections 608et seq.
Special Sign Districts
Sections 609et seq.
Amortization Period
Section 201
Classes of Use Districts
Section 202
Uses Permitted By This Code
Section 202.1
Zoning Control Tables
Section 202.2
Operating Conditions
Section 202.3
Limitation on Change in Use or Demolition of General Grocery Store Use
Section 202.4
Limitation on Change in Use or Demolition of Movie Theater Use
Section 202.5
Conversion of Automotive Service Stations
Section 202.6
Live/Work Units
Section 203
Effect on Certain Public Services
Section 204
Accessory Uses, General
Section 204.1
Accessory Uses for Dwellings in All Districts
Section 204.4
Dwelling Units Accessory to Other Uses
Section 204.5
Parking and Loading as Accessory Uses
Sections 205-205.3
Temporary Uses
Section 207.1
Rules for Calculation of Dwelling Unit Densities
Section 207.5
Density of Dwelling Units in Mixed Use Districts
Section 208
Density Limitations for Group Housing
Section 211.2
Conditional Uses, P Districts
Section 233
Live/Work Units
Section 235
Special Use Districts
Preservation of Historical, Architectural and Aesthetic Landmarks (Inclusive)
Section 1106
Article 11 Change of Designation, Designation of Additional Buildings
Section 301
General Description
Section 302
Section 303
Conditional Uses
Section 304.5
Institutional Master Plans
Section 305
Sections 306-306.8
Applications and Hearings
Section 307
Other Powers and Duties of the Zoning Administrator
Sections 308-308.2
Section 309.1
Permit Review in Downtown Residential Districts
Sections 316et seq.
Procedures for Conditional Use Authorization in Neighborhood Commercial Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts, and South of Market Mixed Use Districts and for Live/Work Units in RH and RM Districts
Section 329
Large Project Authorization in Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts
Fees for Services
Development Impact and In-Lieu Fees
Section 170
Applicability of Requirements
Section 171
Compliance of Uses Required
Section 172
Compliance of Structures, Open Spaces, and Off-Street Parking and Loading
Section 173
Compliance of Lots Required
Section 174
Compliance with Conditions, Stipulations, and Special Restrictions
Section 175
Approval of Permits
Section 176
Enforcement Against Violations
Section 178
Conditional Uses
Section 180
Nonconforming Uses, Noncomplying Structures, and Substandard Lots
Section 181
Nonconforming Uses: Enlargements, Alterations, or Reconstruction
Section 182
Nonconforming Uses: Changes of Use
Section 183
Nonconforming Uses: Discontinuance and Abandonment
Section 184
Short-term Continuance of Certain Nonconforming Uses
Section 185
Continuance of Other Nonconforming Uses
Section 186
Exemption of Limited Commercial Nonconforming Uses
Section 188
Noncomplying Structures: Enlargements, Alterations and Reconstruction
(Added by Ord. 131-87, App. 4/24/87; amended by Ord. 115-90, App. 4/6/90; Ord. 176-12 , File No. 120472, App. 8/7/2012, Eff. 9/6/2012; Ord. 22-15, File No. 141253, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015; Ord. 99-17, File No. 170206, App. 5/19/2017, Eff. 6/18/2017)