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   (a)   In R, NC, C, M, WMUG, WMUO, RED, RED-MX, SALI and Mixed Use Districts, rooftop mechanical equipment and appurtenances to be used in the operation or maintenance of a building shall be arranged so as not to be visible from any point at or below the roof level of the subject building. This requirement shall apply in construction of new buildings, and in any alteration of mechanical systems of existing buildings that results in significant changes in such rooftop equipment and appurtenances. The features so regulated shall in all cases be either enclosed by outer building walls or parapets, or grouped and screened in a suitable manner, or designed in themselves so that they are balanced and integrated with respect to the design of the building. Minor features not exceeding one foot in height shall be exempted from this regulation.
   (b)   In C-3 Districts, whenever the enclosure or screening of the features listed in Section 260(b)(1)(A) and (B), will be visually prominent, modifications may, in accordance with provisions of Section 309, be required in order to insure that:
      (1)   the enclosure or screening is designed as a logical extension of the building form and an integral part of the overall building design;
      (2)   its cladding and detailing is comparable in quality to that of the rest of the building;
      (3)   if enclosed or screened by additional volume, as authorized by Section 260(b), the rooftop form is appropriate to the nature and proportions of the building, and is designed to obscure the rooftop equipment and appurtenances and to provide a more balanced and graceful silhouette for the top of the building or structure; and
      (4)   the additional building volume is not distributed in a manner which simply extends vertically the walls of the building.
   (c)   In Mixed Use Districts, mechanical equipment and appurtenances shall be enclosed in such a manner that:
      (1)   the enclosure is designed as a logical extension of the building form and an integral part of the overall building design;
      (2)   its cladding and detailing is comparable in quality to that of the rest of the building;
      (3)   if screened by additional volume, as authorized by Section 260(b), the rooftop form is appropriate to the nature and proportions of the building, and is designed to obscure the rooftop equipment and appurtenances and to provide a more balanced and graceful silhouette for the top of the building or structure; and
      (4)   the additional building volume is not distributed in a manner which simply extends vertically the walls of the building.
   (d)   Off-street parking or freight loading spaces shall only be permitted on unenclosed rooftops when the parking area is screened with fencing, trellises and/or landscaped screening features such that parked vehicles cannot be easily viewed from adjacent buildings, elevated freeways or public vista points.
(Ord. 532-85, 1985; amended by Ord. 414-85, App. 9/17/85; Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; Ord. 115-90, App. 4/6/90; Ord. 217-05, File No. 050865, App. 8/19/2005; Ord. 298-08, File No. 081153, App. 12/19/2008; Ord. 42-13 , File No. 130002, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; Ord. 232-14 , File No. 120881, App. 11/26/2014, Eff. 12/26/2014)
Section header and division (a) amended; Ord. 42-13 , Eff. 4/27/2013. Section header and divisions (a) and (c) amended; Ord. 232-14 , Eff. 12/26/2014.