A.   Design Review applications shall be reviewed for compliance with the design review standards of Section 21A.59.050, as follows:
      1.   General Modification Requests: Applications to modify a design standard in Chapter 21A.37, or other zoning standard specifically authorized for modification through design review, shall be reviewed for compliance with the design review standards that are directly related to the purpose of the associated regulation requested for modification.
      2.   Additional Height or Square Footage Requests: Applications required to go through design review due to a height or square footage regulation shall be reviewed for compliance with all design review standards.
      3.   Transit Station Area Requests: For properties in a Transit Station Area District, applications required to go through design review due to not meeting the minimum points for administrative approval shall be reviewed for compliance with all design review standards.
      4.   All Other Requests: Any application not covered by Subsections 1 through 3 above, shall be subject to review for compliance with all design review standards.
   B.   Exception: For those applications required to be reviewed against all design review standards, if an application complies with a standard in the base zoning district or with an applicable requirement in Chapter 21A.37 of this title, and that standard is directly related to a standard found in this section, the planning commission shall find that application complies with the specific standard for design review found in this section.
      1.   If there is no directly related zoning district standard or applicable requirement in Chapter 21A.37 of this title related to the design review standard, then the design review standard applies, and the commission shall not by default make the above finding.
   C.   Alternatives: An applicant may propose an alternative to a standard for design review provided the proposal is consistent with the intent of the standard for design review. (Ord. 24B-23, 2023: Ord. 24-23, 2023)