Subject to an extension of time granted by the planning commission, or, in the case of administrative conditional uses, the planning director or designee, no conditional use shall be valid for a period longer than one year unless a building permit has been issued or complete building plans have been submitted to the division of building services and licensing within that period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or unless a certificate of occupancy is issued and a use commenced within that period, or unless a longer time is requested and granted by the planning commission, or, in the case of administrative conditional uses, the planning director or designee. Any request for a time extension shall be required not less than thirty (30) days prior to the twelve (12) month time period. The approval of a proposed conditional use by the planning commission, or, in the case of administrative conditional uses, the planning director or designee, shall authorize only the particular use for which it was issued. (Ord. 11-10 § 6, 2010)