21A.50.040: PROCEDURE:
An amendment to the text of this title or to the zoning map initiated by any of the methods described in Section 21A.50.030 of this chapter shall be processed in accordance with the following procedures:
   A.   Petition Required: A petition shall be made to the zoning administrator on a form or forms provided by the zoning administrator, which shall include at least the following information:
      1.   Contact information, including address, phone, and email of the property owners or the property owner's authorized representative;
      2.   Legal description, address, and property tax identification number of the properties that are the subject of the proposed petition;
      3.   Property owner signature or signed acknowledgment authorizing a designee to submit the petition;
      4.   A description of the proposed modification to the zoning map and justification for the proposal. Any proposed amendment to the text of this code shall include the exact text and citation of the proposed location within the zoning ordinance. Text that is proposed to be added shall be underlined and text that is proposed to be deleted shall be shown with a strikethrough line.
      5.   Maps that show the current use of the subject property and adjacent properties.
      6.   For residential properties, the following information must be provided:
         a.   The current or prior number of dwellings;
         b.   Square footage and number of bedrooms for each dwelling unit;
         c.   The current cost of rent and the cost of rent for the previous 36 months;
         d.   The total number of people residing on the property.
      7.   For nonresidential properties, the following information must be provided:
         a.   Details on the nature of the existing and prior use;
         b.   Square footage of the leasable area;
         c.   Detailed list of current or prior occupants;
         d.   The current cost to lease and the cost to lease for the previous 36 months.
      8.   A written general description of any future development that is planned for the property including the anticipated use, density, scale of development, timing of development, the anticipated impact to existing land uses and occupants of the land subject to the proposal, and any additional land use petitions that may be anticipated to develop the site. Visual renderings and basic site plans may be provided by the applicant.
      9.   A written description regarding any proposed community benefits, as identified in Section 21A.50.050.C. The description shall adequately describe the necessary details to demonstrate that the proposed community benefit is roughly proportionate to the potential increase in development right if the proposed amendment were to be adopted.
   B.   Fees: The application shall be accompanied by the applicable fees shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. The applicant shall also be responsible for payment of all fees established for providing the public notice required by Chapter 21A.10 of this title. Application and noticing fees filed by the city council, planning commission or the mayor shall not be required.
   C.   Determination of Completeness: After the petition is submitted and fees are paid, the planning director shall review the materials submitted with the petition to determine if all materials have been submitted. If a required item is missing or deficient, the petitioner shall be notified of the deficiency and be given 30 days to submit the missing information or correct the deficient material. If not submitted within 30 days, the petition may be considered withdrawn and closed. A refund of any required fees will be provided minus the cost to review the petition for completeness.
   D.   Public notice and process shall follow the requirements of Chapter 21A.10 and as required in Utah Code Chapter 10-9a.
   E.   Staff Report: A staff report evaluating the amendment application shall be prepared by the planning director and shall contain at least the following information:
      1.   An analysis of any factors to be considered found in this title.
      2.   A discussion regarding input received from the public.
      3.   Input from other city departments or entities who have provided comments related to the proposal.
   F.   Planning Commission Public Hearing: The planning commission shall schedule and hold a public hearing on the completed application in accordance with the standards and procedures for conduct of the public hearing set forth in Chapter 21A.10, "General Application and Public Hearing Procedures", of this title. The following provisions apply for petitions to amend the zoning map that are requesting to apply the Homeless Resource Center Overlay District:
      1.   The planning commission may hold a public hearing during the required 45-day public notification period required in Section 2.60.050 of the Salt Lake City Code for zoning map amendments to apply the Homeless Resource Center Overlay District. No recommendation shall be made by the planning commission during the 45-day notification period.
      2.   During the 45-day public notification period, the petitioner shall arrange an opportunity for people who are experiencing homelessness to provide input on the proposed location of the Homeless Resource Center Overlay District.
      3.   Notice of the public hearing shall be sent via first class mail to property owners and tenants within 450 feet of the proposed boundaries of the petition to map the Homeless Resource Center Overlay District.
      4.   The petition shall be scheduled for a recommendation from the planning commission at the first regularly scheduled commission meeting following the end of the 45-day notification period.
   G.   Planning Commission Decision: Following the public hearing, the planning commission shall recommend approval or denial of the proposed amendment or the approval of some modification of the amendment and shall then submit its recommendation to the city council.
   H.   City Council Hearing: The city council shall schedule and hold a public hearing to consider the proposed amendment in accordance with the standards and procedures for conduct of the public hearing set forth in Chapter 21A.10, "General Application and Public Hearing Procedures", of this title within 90 days of receipt of the administration's transmittal.
   I.   City Council Decision: Following the hearing, the city council within a reasonable time frame may adopt the proposed amendment, adopt the proposed amendment with modifications, or deny the proposed amendment. However, no additional land may be zoned to a different classification than was contained in the public notice. (Ord. 11-24, 2024: Ord. 67-23, 2023: Ord. 19-23, 2023: Ord. 56-14, 2014)