A.   Every set of plans submitted for review to the building official for a building permit within the airport restriction zones A, B or C which requires sound attenuation shall be accompanied by a sound attenuation plan and report.
   B.   Such plan must be prepared by a licensed architect and must, in detail, address the following elements or measures to be taken to produce sound attenuation of at least the minimum decibel level required in the applicable zone:
      1.   Specification of materials;
      2.   Description of construction methods showing design numbers for sound transmission control rating;
      3.   Identification of decibel level of sound attenuation obtained by such plan.
   C.   The report to accompany the plan shall include:
      1.   A verified written statement made by the person or firm preparing the sound attenuation plan, identifying any problems in implementing the sound attenuation plan or achieving the required decibel reductions and, further stating, in his/her professional opinion, the ability of the proposed plan to achieve the decibel level sound attenuation required for the proposed structure and its use;
      2.   A written statement from the property owner and contractor (general or responsible subcontractor) guaranteeing that the sound attenuation measures proposed in the plan will be performed according to the specifications of said plan.
   D.   Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the building official shall receive the following supplemental written report, including:
      1.   A certification from the responsible contractor or, in the absence thereof, the owner, certifying that the sound attenuation work described in the above plan has been completed according to the plan's specifications; together with
      2.   A certification from an approved testing laboratory certifying that the completed sound attenuation work achieves the required decibel levels of sound attenuation. (Prior code § 5-18-2)