There may be established within the terminal buildings at the airport one or more ground transportation booths for the exclusive use of authorized ground transportation businesses to assist the public to arrange for transportation, including travel reservations and ticket sales. These booths may be made available to businesses in accordance with applicable contracts and/or department rules and regulations.
   A.   No authorized ground transportation business may solicit passengers at the airport except at a bona fide ground transportation booth established by the department director and operated by the authorized ground transportation business.
   B.   No person or business including any ground transportation business may contract for passenger meet and greet services on behalf of any ground transportation business without written permission of the department director.
   C.   In addition to civil penalties, any violation of these solicitation restrictions by any driver or representative of any authorized ground transportation business may result in such driver or business being barred from any further entry to an airport terminal as a driver or authorized ground transportation business employee.
   D.   No representative of any authorized ground transportation business shall transport baggage or cargo in behalf of a customer to or from the airport without documentation such as baggage claim tickets or transfer documents clearly indicating the authority of such representative to transport such baggage. Said representative shall produce such documentation for inspection upon request by an authorized official of the department. (Ord. 68-14, 2014)