   A.   License Required: Anyone desiring to place a news rack on city owned property or in the public right of way shall be required to obtain a license from the city. One license will be issued per publication and will apply to all news racks that distribute that publication. The application for a license shall be submitted to the city before the installation of any news rack in accordance with the application procedures specified in section 14.36.060 of this chapter.
   B.   Amendment To License: In the event of a change in any of the information submitted as part of the original license application, including any changes to the location of an approved news rack or a request for additional news racks, the licensee shall submit an application to amend the license. A licensee may install additional news racks or relocate an existing news rack only upon approval of the amended license.
   C.   Licensing Term: A news rack license shall be valid for one year from the date of approval. A license may be renewed if, before its expiration, the licensee pays the renewal fee shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule and provides evidence of insurance as required in section 14.36.100 of this chapter. (Ord. 7-15, 2015)
An application for a license to place a new news rack or relocate an existing news rack on city owned property or in the public right of way ("license") shall be filed with the city's real estate services division upon a form provided by the city and shall include the following:
   A.   The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant;
   B.   The name, address, and telephone number of a responsible person whom the city may notify or contact at any time concerning the applicant's news racks;
   C.   Evidence of the applicant's qualification to do business in the state of Utah;
   D.   Evidence of the applicant's Salt Lake City business license;
   E.   The name of the materials to be distributed by the news rack;
   F.   The evidence of insurance required by section 14.36.100 of this chapter;
   G.   A site plan showing the proposed location of the news rack(s). The site plan shall include all information necessary to show compliance with the grouping, concentration, and location requirements stated in this chapter;
   H.   An elevation plan of the proposed news rack(s). The elevation plan shall include all information necessary to show compliance with the design standards stated in this chapter; and
   I.   A description of the method for anchoring the news rack(s). (Ord. 7-15, 2015)
14.36.070: LICENSE FEE:
The license application shall be accompanied by the fee shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule to partially defray the cost of reviewing and permitting the news rack license. (Ord. 7-15, 2015)
After the filing of the completed license application and the payment of the required fee, the city's real property manager shall issue a license if the application satisfies all requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 7-15, 2015)
Anyone owning or maintaining a news rack on city owned property or in the public right of way shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Salt Lake City and its officers and employees for any loss or damage, including attorney fees, arising out of the use or placement of such news rack(s). (Ord. 7-15, 2015)