A.   Weeds shall be maintained at a height of not more than six inches (6") (15.2 cm) at all times, and the cuttings shall be promptly cleared and removed from the premises. Low-growing puncturevine, poison ivy, and bindweed must be removed regardless of height.
   B.   Weeds which are eradicated by chemicals must be done so before their height exceeds six inches (6") (15.2 cm), or they must be cut at a level not exceeding six inches (6") (15.2 cm) in height.
   C.   Weeds which are rototilled or removed by the root must be buried under the soil or removed from the property.
   D.   The control of low growing weeds such as puncturevine, poison ivy, and bindweed must be implemented by eradication.
   E.   When, in the opinion of the inspector, the large size of the property makes the cutting of all weeds impractical, the inspector may, by written order, allow and limit the required cutting of weeds to a firebreak of not less than fifteen feet (15') (4.6 m) in width cut around the complete perimeter of the property and around any structures existing upon the property. (Ord. 55-18, 2018)