A.   Automated refuse, green waste, recyclable glass, and recycling containers containing refuse, green waste, recyclable glass or recyclable items to be collected and hauled by the service provider shall be set out for collection on a city street adjacent to the property, or at the place and at such times as may be designated by the order of the department of sustainability. Such containers may not be set out upon the street for collection prior to the evening of the day before collection, and shall be set out on the day of collection by seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and spaced three feet (3') (where possible) from the curb, any parked vehicle, other container, and any other obstruction, as designated by the department of sustainability.
   B.   The property owner, manager, or resident is responsible for ensuring that automated containers placed for collection are accessible to the service provider's collection vehicle.
   C.   All empty automated containers shall be removed from the street as soon as practicable after being emptied and shall be removed from the street the same day they are emptied. (Ord. 49-16, 2016: Ord. 72-15, 2015)