A.   The Police Department shall conduct an investigation of each applicant for each ice cream truck operator's license, and shall review all of the information filed by the applicant as required by this article. Upon completion of the investigation, the Chief of Police shall recommend approval or disapproval of the proposed application to the Business License Administrator on the operator application form.
   B.   It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to report in writing to the Business License Administrator any misrepresentation or falsification by the applicant on the police recommendation form which may be uncovered by the police investigation, and any such misrepresentation or falsification will constitute just cause for the Business License Administrator to refuse to issue an ice cream truck operator's license, or to suspend or revoke the same if it has been issued.
   C.   The Police Department's recommendation required by subsection A of this section shall be based upon:
      1.   Findings of the criteria specified in section 5.64.600 of this article, or its successor;
      2.   The Police Department's recommendation may take into account the length of time between any criminal conviction and the application for the license and may also take into account the applicant's rehabilitation efforts, if any. (Ord. 24-03 § 1, 2003)