5.51.010: DEFINITIONS:
ALCOHOL: The same meaning as section 32A-1-105(2), Utah Code Annotated (2009), or successor provisions.
ALCOHOL ESTABLISHMENT: Any business that sells alcoholic beverages to patrons for consumption on the premises, as set forth in section 21A.36.300 of this code.
LICENSE ENFORCEMENT ACTION: The administrative process set forth in section 5.51.070 of this chapter.
OFF PREMISES BEER RETAILER: A retail business that sells beer in its original packaging for consumption off the premises, but does not include the sale of beer in sealed containers pursuant to section 32A-10-206(7), Utah Code Annotated (2009), or its successor provision.
SEASONAL LICENSE: A city business license issued to an alcohol establishment that is valid for a six (6) month period corresponding with the periods provided for "seasonal A" and "seasonal B" licenses issued by the Utah alcoholic beverage control commission, pursuant to title 32A, Utah Code Annotated (2009), and its successor provisions. (Ord. 64-12, 2012)