A.   Filing Of Appeals: Appeals shall be submitted on an appeal form provided by the building official. The appellant shall state the specific order or action protested and a statement of the relief sought, along with the reasons why the order or action should be reversed, modified or otherwise set aside.
   B.   Failure To Appeal: Failure of any person to file an appeal in accordance with the provisions of this section shall constitute a waiver of the person's right to an appeal.
   C.   Inspection Of The Premises: Before any hearing is held by a Housing Advisory and Appeals Board panel, the panel shall inspect the building or premises involved. Prior notice of such inspection shall be given to the notified party filing the appeal, who may be present at such inspection. Upon completion of the inspection, the Chairperson of the panel shall state for the record the material facts observed at the inspection, which facts shall be read at the initiation of the hearing. Failure of the notified party to provide access without good cause as determined by the building official shall not constitute a reason for the hearing to be postponed and the appeal may be denied.
   D.   Written Notice: Written notice of the time and place of panel hearings shall be mailed to the appellant in accordance with procedures adopted by the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board.
   E.   Appeals Hearing: Any notified party may appear personally or authorize a designee to act in their behalf. The City and any notified party may call and examine witnesses on any relevant matter, introduce documentary and physical evidence, and cross examine opposing witnesses. Any relevant evidence shall be admitted.
   F.   Record: A record of the entire proceeding of all appellate hearings under this section shall be made by tape recording, or by any other means of permanent recording determined to be appropriate by the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board. The record shall be retained on file in accordance with the City's record retention schedule. (Ord. 65-15, 2015)