A.   Rental Dwellings: It is unlawful for any person, as owner, lessee, or agent thereof to keep, conduct, operate, or maintain any rental dwelling within the limits of Salt Lake City, or cause or permit the same to be done, unless such person holds a current, unrevoked business license for such dwelling.
   B.   Business License:
      1.   An owner of a building or buildings containing one or more rental dwellings is required to pay only one base business licensing fee for the operation and maintenance of all such dwellings as provided in subsection 5.04.070F of this title.
      2.   The city shall not impose any disproportionate fees on any residential unit within a single structure if:
         a.   The structure contains no more than four (4) residential units; and
         b.   The owner of the structure occupies one of the residential units.
   C.   Transfer Of Licensed Premises: A rental dwelling business license is not transferable between persons or structures, and persons holding such licenses shall give notice in writing within forty eight (48) hours to the license office after having transferred or otherwise disposed of the legal or equitable control of any premises licensed under these provisions. Such notice of transferred interest shall include the name, address, and information regarding persons succeeding to the ownership or control of the premises as required under section 5.14.030 of this chapter, or its successor. If the recipient of the legal or equitable control of any newly constructed building previously licensed under these provisions applies for a rental dwelling business license, then no inspections shall be performed unless the City conducts such inspections due to cause or complaint. (Ord. 65-15, 2015)