5.08.020: DEFINITIONS:
ALARM ADMINISTRATOR: The individual designated by the chief of police to issue permits and enforce the provisions of this chapter.
ALARM BUSINESS: Any persons engaged in the business of selling, installing, planning the installation, assisting in planning the installation, servicing, maintaining, monitoring, repairing, replacing, moving or removing alarm systems in the city.
ALARM DISPATCH REQUEST: A notification to the police by the alarm business that an alarm, either manual or automatic, has been activated at a particular alarm site.
ALARM SITE: A single premises or location served by an alarm system or systems. Each tenancy, if served by a separate alarm system in a multitenant building or complex, shall be considered a separate alarm site.
ALARM SYSTEM: Any mechanism, equipment, or device which is designated to detect an unauthorized entry into any building or onto any property, or to direct attention to a robbery, burglary, or other emergency in progress, and to signal the above occurrences either by a local or audible alarm or by a silent or remote alarm. The following devices shall not constitute alarm systems within the meaning of this subsection:
   A.   Devices, which do not register alarms that are audible, visible, or perceptible outside the protected premises;
   B.   Devices which are not installed, operated or used for the purpose of reporting an emergency to the police department;
   C.   Alarm devices installed on a temporary basis by the police department.
ALARM USER: The person, occupant, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind in control of any building, structure or facility or portion thereof wherein an alarm system is maintained.
APARTMENT BUILDING: Any building containing two (2) or more rental units.
AUTOMATIC DIALING DEVICE: An alarm system which automatically sends over regular telephone lines, by direct connection or otherwise, a prerecorded voice message indicating the existence of an emergency situation that the alarm system is designed to detect.
CENTRAL STATION: An office to which alarm systems are connected, where operators supervise the circuits on a continuous basis, and where there is a subsequent relaying of such messages by a live voice to the police department.
DURESS ALARM: A silent alarm signal generated by the manual activation of a device intended to signal a crisis situation requiring police response.
EMERGENCY: The commission or attempted commission of a robbery, burglary or other criminal action.
EMPLOYEE: Any person who is employed by an alarm business and who sells, installs, services, maintains, repairs, or replaces alarm systems in the city.
FALSE ALARM: The activation of an alarm system, which results in an arrival at the alarm site by the police department where an emergency does not exist. It includes an alarm signal caused by conditions of nature, which are normal for that area. "False alarm" does not include an alarm signal caused by extraordinarily violent conditions of nature such as tornadoes, floods and earthquakes.
HOLDUP ALARM: A silent alarm signal generated by the manual activation of a device intended to signal a robbery in progress.
INTRUSION ALARM SYSTEM: An alarm system signaling an entry or attempted entry into the area protected by the system.
LOCAL ALARM: Any alarm device audible at the alarm site.
ONE PLUS DURESS ALARM: The manual activation of a silent alarm signal by entering at a keypad a code that adds one to the last digit of the normal arm/disarm code (e.g., normal code = 1234; one plus duress code = 1235).
PANIC ALARM: An audible alarm system signal generated by the manual activation of a device intended to signal a life threatening or emergency situation requiring law enforcement response.
PERMITTEE: The person to whom an alarm user permit is issued.
PERSON: Means and includes natural persons, without regard to number or gender, and any partnership, corporation, and any other type of legal entity.
PRIVATE GUARD RESPONDER: A private guard company, an alarm company's guard, an alarm user, or a person or entity appointed by an alarm user to be responsible to confirm that an attempted or actual crime has occurred at an alarm site. (Ord. 64-00 § 1, 2000)