2.80.050: BOARD CREATED:
There is created the Salt Lake City housing trust fund advisory board (the "board"), which body shall consist of eleven (11) appointed members, at least one of whom has a household income which qualifies such person for affordable housing benefits or programs. Membership shall consist of residents of the city as follows:
   A.   Seven (7) citizens, one from each city council district, with expertise or experience in affordable and/or special needs housing, which may include a full range of such expertise and/or experience from citizens who are considering purchasing their first home to citizens who have a strong background in affordable housing;
   B.   Four (4) citizens at large who have experience or expertise in areas of business, real estate, or housing development generally.
The board may also consult with persons who have experience or expertise in areas such as finance, real estate, affordable housing development, and law as well as with representatives from other city boards and commissions in order to solicit advice on specific projects. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)