A.   In General: All city officers and employees, including those of the police department, shall provide complete and prompt cooperation to the board in the discharge of its duties. The board and other city officers and employees shall coordinate their activities so that such officers and employees and the board can fully and properly perform their respective duties.
   B.   Police Department: It is recognized that the memorandum of agreement between the city and the Salt Lake Police Association contains a deadline by which the police department must notify police officers of the disposition of any internal police department disciplinary investigation and of any disciplinary action to be administered. The police department and the police chief are encouraged to complete their internal investigations in such a manner and time that the board and board review panels have sufficient time to perform their duties and issue their majority and any minority reports prior to such deadline in the memorandum of agreement, in order to allow the police chief to consider such reports prior to making a decision regarding case disposition or discipline. (Ord. 19-04 § 8, 2004: Ord. 52-03 § 1, 2003)